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Doskonalenie kompetencji zawodowych nauczycieli drogą w rozwoju kształcenia młodzieży i dorosłych.
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project “Improvement of professional skills of teachers as a way of development of youth and adult education” involves the participation of teachers who teach vocational subjects in Zespół Szkół Gastronomiczno-Spożywczych [The Complex of Gastronomy and Food Industry Schools] in Olsztyn. 15 teachers will take part in the theoretical and practical training in the field of gastronomy and confectionery at Univerista dei Sapori in Perugia, Italy. They will also observe the organisation of professional training centre for adults. The project will be held from 01.06.2016 to 01.06.2017. The partner institution Univerista dei Sapori in Perugia, Italy is one of Europe’s best adult education centres. The main aim of the project is to improve the quality of vocational education through the development of competences and practical skills of teaching staff and to increase the international mobility of both students and teachers. The project involves the participation in two courses in the field of gluten-free kitchen and confectionary – banquet cakes. The project also aims to familiarize the staff with the forms and methods of adult education. The experience gained during the training will be used in the future to transform the school into a Practical and Lifelong Education Centre. Participation in the project will allow teachers to explore new ways of teaching, to use new materials in both gluten – free kitchen, as well as confectionary and to develop their skills and tools. The project will enable the teachers to modify the modular school curricula by introducing the content learned during the training and to prepare a new educational offer. The subject of the project is consistent with the direction of changes in vocational education, whose aim is to adapt procedures and forms of vocational training to the needs of the dynamic labour market. Implementing the project with a partner having many years of experience in this field will allow for the use of that potential to organise new forms of vocational training. Planned activities will increase professional mobility of project participants, other teachers, parents and as a result will help to prepare young people to start adult life also in the international environment. Participation in the project will enable the school to improve the quality of vocational training, to prepare educational offer with respect to the needs of the labour market and to develop international cooperation.

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