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DOSE, Digitalisation Of Secondary Education
Start date: Aug 15, 2014, End date: Aug 14, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The aim of the project DOSE (Digitalisation of Secondary Education) is to enhance the use of ICT in our school, both in teaching and in evaluation. The need for the project has become evident because of the changes taking place in the upper secondary schools in Finland. There is a new curriculum with more emphasis on ICT and the matriculation examination for upper secondary school is being digitalised. Moreover, the area of development (ICT) is one of the main focus areas of our school. After the project ICT should be a normal, every-day tool, both for students and teachers in our school in normal lessons as well as in examinations. We will have the practical knowledge to organize final exams digitally in the best possible way, and to create efficient educational distance learning courses that can be offered to our own students as well as to students around Swedish-speaking Finland. 8 members of staff visited Roskilde, Denmark to learn about digital evaluation for two days in autumn 2014. 4 members of staff went to Assen in the Netherlands for a week to gain knowledge about the latest digital teaching methods and tools/software in spring 2015. 7 members of staff went to Valencia, Spain, for a week to improve their ability to create and conduct digital (distance) courses over the and to gain a European dimension to their teaching in spring 2015. Activities during these courses have included lectures, presentations, visits to other institutions, the sharing of knowledge through discussion with other staff members, with course organisers and course participants from other countries, practical workshops and individual assignments. The results of the project will entail new international relations to some extent, a plan clearer plan and more ideas for how to organise the digital exams in 2016 and onwards (in which facilities using what type of computers etc), more versatile distance learning courses and an increased amount of digital methods and software/apps used in every-day teaching and when learning. The long-term benefits of the project will entail for the organisation: the capability of participating in the development of the secondary school on a national level, and therefore ensuring the employability of our staff, e.g. creating and leading distance learning courses on a national level and capability of conducting digital national exams. The students will become natural users of computers: different types of software, the internet and different digital tools, which will be of upmost importance for their employability, as most future jobs will require skills to use digital equipment.

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