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Doprinos izobraževalcev k rodovitni prihodnosti
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Participants in the project School education staff mobility under the title "Educators' Contribution to a fruitful future" is careful selected. The school we chose is a private school, identical with our educational programmes and specific fields of electronics and computing and technical high school. Visiting the partner school we came to some goals. First, our curriculas are very similar, the ones with general subjects and extra subjects which the schools can choose according to the needs of students and local companies. Second, learning methods differ in many ways, they support project learning and teaching and team work. Learning materials of the partner school are IT-based; laptops serve as the main learning material and mobile phones during some lessons, while books serve only for basic information search. Third, assessing on the national level involve a group of students and only one teacher. It is less stessed and less complicated. Fourth, the students are well motivated to attend school, learn and finish it. There is no pre-mature leaving, what makes the system possible. During the Intrepreneural studies they get the opportunity to start their own company and if it was well designed, they continue to develop it even after the school years. During their study students gain much more practical work in companies than in our country. Fifth, teacher are more motivated, although their working time is the whole eight hours at school. For teaching and learning they prepare their own material, use web classes and web programmes for communication. They are use to work in teams, they are used to work in project and they are trying hard to make it interesting for their students. The leader ship invests of the scool invests a lot in their teacher's pesonal and professional growth. There are many similarities between our schools, that is why we foung each other interesting for a parntership. The differences are sometimes unavoidable because of the different school systems. In all, we have learned a lot from them and are going to use it as much as possible. We can try, and already are trying to focus more on students' self-work, more student-oriented teaching, more project and team work. The teacher is the mentor and advisor. Comparing the curriculum and confirmation of a good work we will be focusing on the needs of students and the local companies to provide future jobs for educators.

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