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Donnons une dimension européenne à notre enseignement et notre pratique de la logistique
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The logistics sector is directly in an international context. Through internships in companies students will validate professional and linguistic skills to obtain their professional baccalaureate. In addition , many of our pupils want to study in upper school; this experience can open doors and facilitate their integration into the world of work, especially as our partner companies have subsidiaries in Europe and around the world : Carrefour, Upsa , Conforama, St. Dalfour , Point P , Rougeline , Gifi , France Schott Company juices , Creuzet Aeronautical ..... Twenty students are involved in the project : 10 students in their last year of high school (5 students in October 2014 and 5 students in October 2015 ) and 10 students in their first year of high school ( 5 students in May 2015 and 5 students in May 2016 ) . It is expected that students in their last year will carry out a work placement during 28 days and students in their first year during 14 days. Students in their final year will be followed during their first three training days for the integration and the last three days for their evaluation. The students in their first year will be followed throughout their work placement in Spain. Alongside their time spent in the firm , teachers can make an observation placement in the high school ( exchange of teaching practices ) and in the firm (functioning of a Spanish company , safety ... ) Upstream the probationary period , in June 2014, students will start following a specific linguistic preparation and will continue during the summern holidays (preparation and research by students on the Spanish economic activity, school , school activity of the host city, VIGO ) Outside training periods , one hour per week will be dedicated to communication with the host institution . The impact of this project is multiple : - Highlighting the importance of the European dimension in the logistics sector and its career opportunities . - Development of vocational education . - Development of a a network of industrial partners in Europe. - Sustainability of the project of the establishment on international openness . Results and Benefits: - to increase the chances of success in professional baccalaureate through better involvement - To acquire better language skills , openness to other cultures -to turn our students into European citizens - to increase employment opportunities - to improve the students' personal experience Number and profile of participants: Âge 16 to 20 years old. -10 Students in their last year of high school -10 Students in their first year of high school activities: - Internships in companies .... - Evaluation visits to validate skills acquired during their work placment - Job shadowing methodology: - Preparatory visits . - eTwinning platform : Creating a space projects impact: To highlight the importance of the European dimension in the logistics sector and professional opportunities. Enhancement of vocational education. Develop a network of industrial partners in Europe. Results and Benefits: - To acquire better language skills , openness to other cultures - Make our students of European citizens - Result in increased employment opportunities

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