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Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project includes few stages: 1. Preparation. During this stage, leaders will form working groups. Representatives are going to analyze current situation in their country. According to research, each group shall prepare presentation on current issues of Internet use, which are characterized for national features. 2. Main part of the projeсt will take place in Estonia at February 2016. The main goal of our project is to identify hazards (for youngsters) caused by Internet addiction and other hazards of Internet and find solutions to the problems associated with Internet use and Internet addiction. Since research of youth in all countries shows that youngsters are very dependent on social networks and Internet. So we want to divert young people from this dependence of Interet, through informal learning. Participants in the project with the help of group work in workrooms and a variety of informal methods will discuss about and try to find solutions to: - hazards (for youngsters ) caused by Internet addiction and other hazards of Internet - Identify solutions of this problem As well we are going to provide information about beneficial use of Internet resources. Our aim is to show how network can help in everyday life and how to manage personal, study and working time. We will show to the youth opportunities for their leisure time, the new method of self-development through non-formal education The project will involve 24 participants aged 16 to 20 years from countries: Latvia, Estonia, Ukraine and Armenia, as well as one leader from each country. To participants of project will be introduced methods of informal education and they will use this methods by themselfs . After that, we give them the opportunity to practice their acquired skills at the educational institutions of the city of Narva. Thus, in this event the participants will improve their competence, skills and knowledge. 3. Practical usage. Participants are going to choose any problem, which would be discussed, and resole it in there countries. At the end of project, they will pass same questionnaire as they fulfiled for application. In this mean we will have opportunity to compare changes. Long term benefits shall include collaboration between participants, and international communication. In regards to project results special online platform will be established. Any online user would have access to platform. It will include useful links and opportunities of studing, working or any fresh important news around the world.

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