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Don’t be afraid of immigration!
Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project of the international training course "Don't be afraid of immigration!" was an attempt to face one of the biggest social problems with which we are facing now in common Europe - wave of resentment and hatred, as well as the concerns raised both in reality and in the network to refugees from war-torn countries in the Middle East. In an eight-day training course contains elements of contact seminar was attended by representatives of NGOs implementing projects so far the international mobility of young people who manifest a desire to take on projects implemented by themselves the subject. The partners in the project are organizations from countries such as Poland, Slovakia, France, Italy, Romania, Turkey, Cyprus, Hungary, Ukraine. 27 representatives of various non-governmental organizations from 9 countries affected immigrants week took part in workshops and activities relating both to international solidarity, the place and importance of helping those in need in the different religions, the social impact of cultural diversity, as well as in the debate "should we be afraid refugees. In general, the aim of the project was to provide the representatives of non-governmental organizations at the base of substantive contacts and motivation to allow for the preparation and implementation of projects related to immigrants. The results of the project are new partnerships concluded with non-governmental organizations, which resulted in five projects (four of which are waiting longer to assess the national agencies - Polish, French and Cypriot. Developed a draft promotional campaign undertaken by non-governmental organizations subject of refugees in the projects. The participants attended also in meetings with decision-makers - the deputy of parliament of the Republic of Poland Ursula Augustine, who responded to their questions on migration issues, as well as in a study visit "Humanitarian aid in practice." All the project activities were based on the principles of non-formal education and assumed active involvement of participants, who are well-evaluated the entire course of the project. already after a few months you will see that the project has contributed to more measures to combat ignorance and unjustified hatred against immigrants. several non-governmental organizations participating in the project have already begun to take joint action, including such picking up the theme of refugees.
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8 Partners Participants