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Doing Business in the Intercultural Environment
Start date: Dec 31, 2016, End date: Dec 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The mobility project entitled " Doing Business in the Intercultural Environment" offers 20 participants of the OSZ II Spree -Neisse the opportunity to gain knowledge about the European economic and financial system and moreover to deepen and expand the foreign language skills. It offers the oppotunity for some teachers of our vocational school to deepen their knowledge about business and management and methods to teach it. The project is being prepared on OSZ II Spree -Neisse, will be carried out at the European College of Business and Management London over three weeks and evaluated after return.In connection with this course, 20 participants create a project work in English whose theme is proposed by ECBM London or can be chosen by the participant in consultation with the training organization itself. Basically topics include dealing with the economic and social developments within the European Economic Area.At the end of the stay, all participants will present their project work at ECBM London using modern media and pass a written examination on the taught subjects. The project work will be completed at home as executive summary and sent back to the ECBM London for evaluation.After successful completion, all participants will receive at least two certificates. A certificate of German Chamber of Industry and Commerce in London (AHK London) and a certificate of participation by the European College of Business and Management (ECBM) in London on the topics dealt with.In addition, any commercial participants may apply for and acquire the title of "Kauffrau/mann International" after successful completion of their professional training.Each participant will receive the Europass Mobility. So they have better chances to work in business and to get a job because a good command of English is demanded by a lot of companies and institutions nowadays.The results of the project work will be presented at our school in English in classes of the relevant professional groups and serve as a basis for discussion.Insights into the mobility project provide e.g. the publication of an online diary on our website, presentations to the staff of employers, the photo gallery in the school building, discussions at the European Week each May.Meanwhile we have conducted five of such projects since 2010. The Mobility Project has become an integral part of our school programme and encourages many people in our region to consider Europe as an economic area and to take courage to be self- mobile.

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