European Projects
Doing business in the EU (Doing business in th..)
Doing business in the EU
Start date: Aug 21, 2011,
End date: Aug 21, 2012
Project activities concerning the above issues are as follows: 1.Analyses of training needs and requirements in the field of EU and other international business standards and rules (in order to better understand SMEs requirements); 2.Training programme development (prepared by project team in cooperation with team of external experts of corresponding academic title and suitable professional experience regarding to the EU rules and practice; planed topics: introduction to the EU, bankable business plan according to the EU standards, accounting standards in the EU, international commerce law, EU legislation, EU standards in agro industry, EU health protection standards, EU customs, etc. Some more specialized topics may be added or moved from or to the list, according to the survey among SMEs and based to their requirements and needs); 3.Development of training programme and delivery of introductory and specialized training courses to selected 25 SME managers and entrepreneurs, handbook and CD preparation; 4.Public relations and promotion programme, that will ensure visibility of the action and broaden of useful information to other SMEs that were not included in the project directly. Through those four groups of activities project will ensure full understanding of EU rules by SME managers and it will enable them to observe possibilities for their businesses to enter on EU market. Since the project will accomplish the multiplication effect, those information will be spread among business community and training courses can be delivered as more specialized ones to other SMEs and in cooperation with local business organisations and associations, as well as with local authorities. In such way, it will be accomplished the competitiveness of cross-border SMEs and favourable business climate from both sides of the border. Needs will be met, strengths will be used, weakness will be overcame, and constraints will be exceed. Achievements: The project achieved the following results:- Organized press-conferences in Pernik and Nis where the expected effects of the project were presented. The media were also invited to participate in a round-table talk concerning promoting the project goals and actions;- Identification and selection for the training courses of the regional SMEs via interviews and review of filled out surveys. Total 99 SMEs were surveyed and interviewed out of which 25 were selected for participation in the project trainings;- A round table conference was organized in Nis on the SME needs and demands that were shown as the key ones through previously done research;- Total 9 training events were organized in Nis and Pernik;- The final press conferences were organized on both sides of the border.