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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our Project, entitled “Hands Reaching since Birth until Death” is prepared through the cooperation of a consortium consisted of three institutions those providing education on health services, which have different level of facilities and located in different provinces. Targets of our project are designed in accordance with Turkey’s health policies and strategies during EU accession after monitoring our current position. Our activities are shaped by our targets listed below: * Training nurses and emergency medical technicians (EMT) providing best standards of their jobs with the help of advanced level of knowledge and professionalism. * Against the expectations of sector, improving employment chances of students after their graduation through their knowledge and skills * Enabling students to observe their job in European standards * Underlining the importance of language skills in personal career development * Enabling participants to observe European civilization directly and helping them to undermine European identity. * Enabling participants to establish contact with foreign cultures and to grow tolerance for cultural differences. * Improving their occupational self-confidence and motivation * Helping them to develop their personality thanks to a foreign country experience thousands of kilometers away from their parents. * Adding new methods to our current educational curricula * Helping teachers to gain added value to their professional skills. Content of our education / probation activities are determined in accordance with issues and requirements related to active performance of health services and expansion of scope and scale of current educational capacity, and lastly the expectations of the relevant business sector. In this context, our project will provide education of “Palliative care techniques in terminal phase” to 18 nursery students accompanied by 3 teachers in Daugavpils Medical College (Latvia) from 15.11.2015 to 28.11.2015. “Childbirth and its complications” to 18 EMT students accompanied by 3 teachers in DRK Kreisverband Wanzleben e.V. (Germany) from 07.02.2016-20.02.2016. 12 occupational training staff in Stredniy Zdravotnicka Skola (Czech Republic) from 27.03.2016 to 09.04.2016. Equal number of participants will be selected from each member of the consortium. Patient in terminal stage refers to a patient spending his/her last days. Healthcare and death of terminal stage patients is one of the most difficult parts of health related services. (Peykerli 2003; Özcan 2007). Nurses face several different problems of patients due to longer duration spent with them. For this reason, nurses undertake a considerable responsibility in services provided to terminal stage patients and their relatives. Studies indicate that education of nurses in the area of terminal stage patients make a great improvement in their attitude towards patients (Mallory, 2003). Our students will be trained to deal with physical and psycho-social problems of terminal stage patientsin European standards thanks to education proposed in this project. Most medical errors in our country is seen in gyneacology with a share of 17 percent. Births performed out of hospitals in emergency situations (especially in villages) are firstly intervened by EMT’s. EMT staff has to be capable of helping childbirth, evaluating the condition of stillborn and making emergency care, as these requirements are also mentioned in official regulations. Correct and accurate intervention can prevent sudden mortal threats, as well as any delay can cause irreversible negative outcomes. For all these reasons, childbirth training and its complications are proposed in Germany for EMT students to make them capable of performing initial medical intervention. Patient security is also one of the most important issues in quality standard programs in healthcare services (Hakverdioğlu Yönt, 2011). Patient security is all measures taken by healthcare institutions and their service personnel to prevent damages to patients happened during caring services. It is a primary and indispensable condition of high quality health care services. Caring and medical actions are mostly performed by nurses. Therefore, patient security training has an essential importance. This training, which is absent in training curricula in Turkey, is proposed to be performed in Czech Republic. Our project aims to give us the chance to experience different perspectives in professional training and it will likely to increase the quality of our healthcare services training. Activities organized in Europe help our participants to gain awareness about different cultures and to improve their language and professional skills.

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