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Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our project involves a participant group of 24 students,having education in metal Technologies field in Gümüşhacıköy Multi-program Anatolian High school, Gümüşhacıköy Vocational Education Centre in Amasya and Niksar Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School in Tokat, who wants to improve themselves in the field of Natural Gas Interiır Installation and Wending. In 1990, %10 of the world populationlived in cities however this rate has reached to %50 percent. It is estimated that in 2050 the rate of urban population will be %70. While the cities constitute %50 of the world population they only cover %2 of the Earth’s surface and produce %80 of the harmful greenhouse gases released to atmosphere. This in the main reason of global warming. This energy source, which is getting widely used lately, is forming an employement market. Natural gas use has spread with the acceptance of Natural Gas Market Law number 4646 in 2001. While the natural gas was used in only 5 provinces in 2003, in 2015, 75 provinces started to use it. When these fast improvements in Natural Gas Interior Installation and Wending are mindend, it is necessary to meet the qualified employee need the sector demanded by increasing the experience of technical craft. The metal Technologies areas of Project partners, Gümüşhacıköy Multi-program Anatolian High school, Gümüşhacıköy Vocational Education Centre and Niksar Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, are the ones that give modular education. Despite Natural Gas modul is taught very elaborately in our schools our students don’t have the oppurtunity to practice. So, the problem of intermediate staff qhich the industry need can’t be solved. Natural gas was first used in 2013 in Niksar district,our partner. In Gümüşhacıköy district, natural gas subscription Works have been completed and piping route has been determined. Acording to information we got from the authototies of AKSA, the distiributor of natural gas in Amasya and Tokat provinces, it is aimed to use natural gas in houses and workplaces in the first quarter of 2018. because the natural gas sector is developing very fast, it is a must to raise intermediate stuff fort he sector as soon as possible. Our Project aims to make our participants having education in the metal Technologies field of vocational schools, raised employees in natural gas wending area by completing their practical education and to create an employement area by starting to work in the region. So our priorities are; to make up the deficiencies of our participants in terms of vocation, to transfer the innovative applications to our district by gaining market experience and to improve our participants’ foreign language skills by having hands-on training in equipped and modern education institutions which have many experts in the field of natural gas interior installation and wending in Germany. Our Project will attributenot only to vocational development of the students but also to thier personnal development. As our Project will be implemented abroad, our participant will meet people from different cultures and cooperate with them. That our attendants will gain positive personnal characteristics such as being open minded,innovative, pespectful, a group member, well-diciplined are the indirect effects of the Project. Our Project,with 24 participants,will take 3 weeks in one flow between the dates 24.04.2017 and 13.05.2017 in Dorsten, Germany

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2 Partners Participants