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"Docente Europeo: move'in Science²"

The national teacher training systems Ä both initial and in service - in Europe are basedin traditional standardized models not taking into account most of the times, theoutcomes of the research in the field of science teaching and practice. As a result theyare losing the chance to respond to the challenges of the 21st century and they arefailing to capture young people's interest for scientific ideas. Our project proposal isbuild on the need to develop competences and knowledge in this specific educationalfield referring to the PCK model.The present proposal is in continuation of previous European projects as “DocenteEuropeo”, together with “STISS” and “STEDE”; therefore, the project will continue theseexperiences by focusing like a “funnel”, narrowing the field of activity to initial training offuture teachers of the specific scientific and technological areas. Highlighting the resultsof previous projects and proposing international analysis of science and technologyCVs, mutual recognition of credits, deeper knowledge and understanding of the interrelationbetween pedagogy and content which are the key words.The general aim of the project is to weigh on initial teacher training and, secondly, on inservice teaching, of the scientific and technological areas to make more attractive theperspective of scientific careers on the so called “hard subjects” for new generations.Specifically, the project will aim at:o creating a working group at European level composed by trainers of futureteachers, in service teachers and future teachers of science and technology areas,which will develop a didactical methodology based on PCK pedagogical contentknowledge diffused to both institutions dealing with initial teacher training of futureteachers (secondary school level) and in the classrooms they operate:o testing on training paths for future teachers of the partner institutions theinitiation, by means of a seminar-like methodology, of research groups involving at thesame working table trainers of future teachers, future teachers and in service teachers(target group);o Elaborating, publishing and diffusing of the HANDBOOK including didacticalmaterials for the PCK, published on line;o Realising experimentation and exchange paths of the PCK among futureteachers of science and technology areas through mobility actions abroad.The project will contribute to enhance the idea of international co-operation amongtraining institutions and mobility of science and technology future teachers, improvinginitial teacher training for secondary school and allowing for a better and more motivatedteaching/learning in Science and Technology areas. Improving the quality of teachingthese subjects so to make learning more attractive and improving the dissemination ofthe project outcomes through the publication of a Comenius seminar.
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5 Partners Participants