European Projects
Dobro biram - volontiram!
Dobro biram - volontiram!
Start date: Jan 1, 2012,
Project „I Choose to Volunteer , Medimurje County, CakovecDuration – 4 monthsThrough this initiative we informed primarily the young people of our county, but also the wider public, about theimportance of volunteering and of all of it's benefits, as well as it's importance regarding personal developmentand the development of communities. The initiative was created as a collaboration of high school students withthe volunteers of NGO Zora. It's aim was to encourage young people to learn and become more engaged involunteering projects in their communities. The implementers of this initiative organized a series of activitiespromoting volunteering, gave young people a first hand experience of how volunteering can be a fun and fulfillingactivity, and also informed them of their possibilities as young volunteers in Europe. On December 10th, wecelebrated the International Volunteer Day (December 5) through a public activity with info booths on the citysquare, and later participated in the Kindness Fair held at the Cakovec gymnasium. During both activities wecollected applications for volunteering actions in 3 different institutions/NGOs, in January, February and March2012 – the pediatric wing of the county hospital, the asylum for abandoned dogs and cats and the CaritasChildren's Home. We made a short motivational video about our initiative, which we uploaded to our website andFacebook page, and also sent it to the local media.In order to promote our initiative, we posted news on our website and our newly created Facebook page, madeand distributed badges with motivational messages, pocket calendars, T-shirts and fliers about volunteering.Through all these activities we informed and motivated the youth of the Medimurje County to join us and startvolunteering, through which they would gain a lot of personal experience that can improve their lives. Thenumber of participants was: 91 new volunteers with 676,25 volunteer hours, 1000 young people participatingthrough direct action at the Kindness Fair and street action on city square, at least 2000 people of the generalpublic, and about 10.000 through media.