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Diyarbakır'dan Avrupa'ya Eğitim Köprüsü
Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Oct 1, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The purposes of the ‘Education Bridge From Diyarbakir to Europe ’ to provide the disabled and normal students to follow up the rapid developments in automotive sector in Europe, apply the innovations in the Professional life, make contribution to the employment rate in the sector, develop the theoretical information and practice of the students, grow up self-confident individuals and minimize the problems in the sector. The efficiency of the courses will be supported with the foreign language courses, vocational training, pedagogic preparations and orientation to be carried out in the school before abroad course in the project. The school and abroad Project partners will always be in contact with each others for risk management and organization; they will be ready to all problems and always follow up the process. 14 disabled students in 11th and 12th classes in information Technologies department and 2 companions and 14 students in 11th and 12th classes in Electric-Electronic department and 14 companions will be determined as the beneficiaries of the Project. The Project will last total 4 weeks in two courses and the students of the Electric-Electronic department will be trained in ‘Electromechanical Carriers’ subject in Zespol Szkol Technıcznych I Ogolnoksztalcacyhc in Poland and the students of information Technologies department will be trained in ‘Automotive Electromechanic’ subject in Colegıul Tehnıc ‘Gheorghe Cartıanu in Romania. In addition to the Professional trainings, the cultural trips will be organized at weekends to have information about foreign cultures in the scope of the Project. The training activities will be given for all weekdays. The development of disabled students in terms of both Professional and cultural is the main purpose of the Project. The students will be qualified staff members in the automotive sector and their employment rate will increase in Diyarbakır province as a result of these trainings and practices in European schools. The students will bring the international approach to the sector and apply international standards in the country. The students will also share the information and experiences they had in Europe with the other students and make contribution to the development of other students. The students will also develop their foreign language skills during the courses and they will not confine themselves with theoretical information only. The meetings and questionnaires shall be organized for participants at the end of Project courses and the results shall be properly analyzed. The Project will be announced and the demand to the Project will be increased with the extensification activities at the same time.
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2 Partners Participants