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DivinE - Diversity in Europe
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

the project "DivinE - Diversity in Europe" of Mariaberg e.V. , an institution of services for people with disabilities and youth welfare services with approximately 1,400 employees, will send in total 20 trainees of training courses health education care , youth and home education , office management and social work students and also 8 Employees of vocational training to organisations of the same field of work in other european countries. The foreign assignment lasts 4 weeks for the apprenticies and students and 2 weeks for the employees of vocational trainings and they all will work at this time at the partner company. They will gain important experiences in respect of different ways of working and approaches to work. Ahead of the internships, several meetings with the partners took place, and the content and organisation of implementation of the project, was planned and coordinated jointly. The internships will be managed by target agreements, which were developed by the office european projects in Mariaberg and the participants before traveling abroad. These target agreements will be integrated into the every day work of the partner company. During the internship, the trainees are accommodated in host families , if possible , so that our students can build a close contact with the population of each country and experience cultural diversity first hand. During the internship they are accompanied by a permanent contact. Before leaving, the trainees will receive a adequate preparation respective the host country, the culture, the partner institution, the accommodation, the language and the accompanying cultural program. The necessary insurance coverage and travel arrangements together with the accomodation is organized jointly with the trainees by Mariaberg. After returning from abroad, the internship will be reflected and rated by the trainees together with the office european projects Mariaberg. This reflection takes place based on a standardized procedure and refers to the learning objectives already defined. At a closing event, where the partners will be invited, the trainees will award the "Europass-mobility" and the main results of the project will be shared with the staff and the managers. After the end of the project a common symposium will be organized by the european network "Neckar-Alb", convey the experiences far beyond the facility boundaries. The multi-professional network was re-established and be dedicated to build a long term cooperation in the framework of european projects. Mariaberg will send the trainees in the following partner instututions: Diakoniewerk Gallneukirchen - Austria , Gallneukirchen Diakoniewerk International - Romania , Sibiu Self-help Onlus - Bolzano , Italy CWP - NHS Foundation Trust - Ellesmere Port, United Kingdom HABIT - Haus der Barmherzigkeit - Wien, Austria The establishment Mariaberg hopes for a sustainable qualification of the trainees that go far beyond the current training addition , intensive contacts and experience of cooperation with other institutions in the same work field and thus a further developement of our own approaches of work. Mariaberg wants to gather experiences in the framework of european projects, to increase the intensity of the projects. Ultimately we want the project to implement the European idea in Mariaberg and achieve a sincerity to European diversity . In our view a very important component to tolerance and successful European society.
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5 Partners Participants