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Diversität wahrnehmen und Inklusion fördern
Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Perceiving and understanding diversity – supporting inclusion It was in 2009 that the German UNESCO – commission published the guideline, which was signed by all the federal states, to be enforced in Germany. “Inclusive education means that high-quality education is open to all, independent of special needs, sex, social or economical condition.” Educational theory of diversity and inclusion actively opposes exclusion and discrimination, looking for new possibilities of social participation for all children and young people. This is why in the recent (since Sept. 2003) curriculum of the Colleges for educators in Bavaria about 440 lessons are set for the teaching of unit 3 “Perceiving and understanding diversity – supporting inclusion”. Today`s children, adolescents and young adults grow up within a pluralistic, constantly changing society, they come from a variety of backgrounds. These facts as well as participation on an equal level and supporting inclusion are the main topic. In spite of several educational reforms the chances of education are still different depending on the children`s social background. Also the system of early child care and education does not really guarantee the same chances to every child from the beginning. That is the reason why the perception and the development of diversity at the child care level is an aim, striving for values such as democracy and tolerance, but is also an important tool for (self) –education. Targets of the project The students are to be encouraged to perceive the diversity in their respective places of practicum,4 that is the special situation of children from migrant families, disabled children, children with a special religious background or socially disadvantaged children. And the students should be able to recognize and analyse the various methodic – didactic concepts of inclusion. They are the educators of tomorrow and should be enabled to assist others in matters of care and education as well as in coping with life in general and taking part in society. The students are to act according to the competence units as laid down in the DQR (Deutscher Qualifikationsrahmen). Number and qualification of participants Out of the about 60 students per year 30 are chosen for the practicum abroad. The application follows the presentation (teacher/ student). Criteria for participation are personal ability, qualification (commitment, marks). Third – year – Students (of five years all in all) in recent years have turned out to be the ideal target group: About 18 to 19 years old the applicants already have been trained as nursery nurses, they have acquired practical and theoretical knowledge – and they are highly motivated. Description of activities/ Realization of the project The main project topic is taught in various subjects such as educational theory, psychology, therapeutic education, practical and methodic instruction. In subjects like music, art, handicrafts and physical education the project topic is put into practise and extended in all its implications. The students receive specific assignments for the practicum abroad, such as recording one particular activity, observing things in general and handing in a portfolio of the placement. About two months before the practicum abroad starts, the students are informed about their placement and about details, the age of the children they are going to work with etc. They are expected to prepare individually and are supported in this by regular meetings. They reach their destination on a Saturday, starting work on a Monday with a 5-day work-week of about 7 hours a day. They can at any time communicate with the Collage at Nördlingen, communication is required once a week. During the practicum abroad the members of staff in charge Mrs. Dr. Christeiner, Mrs. List and Mrs. Meyr can be reached every day by cell phone or e-mail. Members of staff travel abroad to contact students in their placements. In the places of practicum are responsible: In Ireland Mrs. Coveney and Mrs. Jackson, in Great Britain Mrs. Blicharz, in Spain Mrs. Munin Piekarek, in Austria Mrs. Fahrenberger and Mrs. Fladenhofer. These persons, who are in close contact with the Collage at Nördlingen, can be reached daily in matters organizational or personal. This has proved a reliable way of handling things in the past, as concerns the students´ safety, self-management and staying power. The practicum abroad is sure to widen the students` cultural horizon, enlarge their professional competence and last but not least enhance their personal development.
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