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DISCO (DI-fferent S-chool for C-reative O-utcomes)
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

DISCO (DI-fferent S-chool for C-reative O-utcomes) is a mobility project for teachers at Ivan Supek Secondary School (X. gimnazija 'Ivan Supek') with the purpose of encouraging creativity and multiculturality of students. As a school that has a bilingual programme, we are already very experienced in promoting interculturality and advocating international education. However, having analysed the results of the surveys we had conducted among our students, we realised that there was a need and desire for new methods and a more creative approach to work, so we believe there is some room for improvement in that area. Since our goal is to prepare our students for the increasingly demanding European labour market, we have come to the realisation that creativity is essential in instilling key competencies in our students.By developing our own professional competencies, skills and abilities, we have the possibility of developing the same competencies in our own students. Following that idea, we have chosen mobility activities so that we can achieve the goals of our project. The teachers expressed their need for specific areas they wish to improve upon, so the programmes were chosen in accordance with the teachers' needs.In this mobility project 11 persons will participate, as well as the headmistress and school counselor. Prior to our departure we will have conducted many activities (such as intercultural and linguistic activities, risk prevention, practical preparation, introduction to Europass documentation and communication with partner organisations).The headmistress will participate in the School Leadership course in the UK, the head of our school's bilingual programme will take part in the Developing a European Dimension in your School training course, the Computer Science teacher will engage in Creative Methodology for Teachers, the Spanish teacher will take part in the activity Job Shadowing which is going to take place at a bilingual school in Spain, the Maths teacher will join the CLIL course in Malta and the Physics teacher in Great Britain. Morevoer, the English teacher will take part in the Developing oral fluency course in the UK, the Art teacher will participate in the Teaching through Art Activities course in the UK and another Physics teacher has applied for the Interactive teaching - Using Educational Games in order to Enhance Learners course in Norway. Furthermore, the Chemistry teacher will engage in the Science: Using the Natural World for Teaching Science course in the UK, the Physical Education teacher has decided to take part in Sport as a Tool to Promote Intercultural Dialogue seminar in Malta, the school counselor will participate in the Addressing Diversity and Equality in classroom training course in the UK and the Croatian teacher has decided to apply for the course on World literature in the UK.After their return from the mobility, participants will apply all of their acquired skills and knowledge in their everyday work and they will share their knowledge with their colleagues at school and also on a local, national and international level. Mobility participants have the ability to establish high quality outcomes of studying and what is more, they will surely have an influence on increasing the school's capacity to perform on an international level. And finally, the participants will encourage creativity in our students as well as our teachers.
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