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Diploma Public Policy and Child Rights
Start date: Jan 15, 2010,

The Wider objective of the project Diploma in Public Policy, Children's Rights and Advocacy (DPPCR) to promote a culture in Egypt and Jordan where children’s rights are respected, protected and fulfilled through improved policies and practices. The first Specific objective is to build a cadre of practitioners working with and for children that are effectively using their skills and knowledge to influence adequately funded, evidence-based and child rights oriented public policies, programmes and practices.The second Specific objective is to ensure that by the end of the project 4 universities in Egypt and Jordan are teaching a Diploma on child rights and public policy that bridges academic teaching and research to inform evidence-based policies and practice. To reach theses objectives, the consortium universities will engage in the development of course contents for face to face and blended learning during the first year of DPPCR's implementation. In order to generate evidence and create learning material reflecting the situation in each one of the partner countries, the project partners will engage in participatory development of learning materials, small research workshops and international student programmes.The implementation of the diploma will start in October 2010 and will be accompanied by teacher exchanges making students from both the PC and EU countries profit from international expertese and intercultural learning settings. The diploma programme will be institutionalized in the four partner universities from the start. This ensures ongoing teaching of the course beyond the project's lifetime.In the second year of DPPCR international student seminars and research workshops will take place. These will be continued through 2012. In the last year of implementation the process of setting up the diploma and it's first results will be assessed. The result of the assessment will be published online and in print and made available to the interested public. The idea of this activity is to promote good practice in higher education reform and show strengths and weaknesses of the project proposal. Throughout the project's lifetime, the consortium will liase and network with different stakeholders in the field of Children's Rights, Health, Development Cooperation and other important sectors for the project.The aim is to set up strong cooperations that will continue as working relationsships beyond 2012. Through these networks, a website and by other means the consortium will disseminate knowledge about the diploma course, research results and the project in general. Accompanying the diploma development, teacher trainings on blended learning and the transfer of evidence into practice will be offered for lecturers from partner country universities.

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11 Partners Participants