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Dini Danışmanlık ve Rehberlik Hizmeti
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

When people feel themselves in a spiritual vanity, they tend to believe in a supreme creator and religious values at the various parts of their lives. When they effectuate these values, they need counselling most. Because when the individuals have difficulty in solving a problem, they need a religious counselling and guidance in a fast and the most effective way. In addition, while the deadlocks that can be experienced at the financial and concrete extents don't make out a serious psychological ailment, the deadlocks that occur at the spiritual and abstract extents have the potentiality of effecting one's spiritual and moral world deeply. Religious Counselling and Guidance Service makes out making a mistake from the perspective of religion, the fear of being responsible on account of the events experienced, and the feeling of reaching inner peace by getting out of guilt complex. In this respect, it is not accepted as sufficient act to reach the knowledge itself; it is also needed to reach the guiding rational and sentimental approaches of the ones giving the knowledge. That is the necessity which indicates guidance phenomenon. Our institution means to be searched the Religious Counselling and Guidance Service in Europe in order to teach the precise information to the target audience wanting this service and carrying this service to the society by bringing up individuals having these facilities, capability, vocational knowledge and being able to respond to the necessities of the age. Within the context of the project, it is going to be supplied to get 60 students to make vocational training in 2 EU countries and get them to drive advantage from a high quality educational system with the consortium which is formed by coming together 3 Anatolian Religious Vocational High Schools. Thereby, the knowledge and the capability of the individuals are going to rise by making them act in an independent way without any prejudice. Our participants are going to experience and adopt spiritual rehabilitation, making the individual and the society conscious of new methods, the techniques of solving the problems which are come up against, making out consistent attitude by disadvantaged individuals, being at peace with oneself and society, struggling with prejudice, the methods of forming religious individualism and will power with the Religious Counselling and Guidance Education which is going to be gained in Austria and Czech Republic. As the number of students who encounters various techniques and methods of "Teaching Religion" increase in our institution, the viewpoint of the lesson is going to change and vocational fertility is going to be better. With bringing up religious actors who struggle to solve all types of problems of the individual, whose occupational attention is high, who have a powerful discretion, and who have sufficient communication knowledge and capability when they need to know an individual's environment or family, the individual and the society are going to be fertile and compatible. Thanks to expanding activities, other schools and educators are going to notice the necessity of the theme of the project, too. They are also going to head to the types of projects which we are studying on. New methods which are going to be shared with the teachers in other schools in the region and city are going to smooth the way of communication with other schools and cooperation.
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