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Dijete i strani jezik u dječjem vrtiću - novi pristupi učenju
Start date: Sep 12, 2016, End date: Sep 11, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main target of our project is enhancing the quality of learning and teaching languages in Early years by strengthening intercultural, professional and language competences of teachers and child development specialists in the Kindergarten Jarun and their application in the education and care program. We hold that professional development is one of the important aspects of improving the quality of the direct work with children. For this reason, investing into human resources is important and directly leads to improvement.Achieving mobility would have a considerable impact onto increasing the existing intercultural, professional and language competences of our teachers and child development specialists. Strengthening professional and personal competences would empower them in their work with children and parents. Such an approach is at the core of lifelong learning which is not limited to acquisition of knowledge but reinforces complementary learning.Intercultural learning is one of the most important learning objectives in early years, offering a child a different view of the world and openness to other cultures. Teachers and child development specialists have the key role in this process. Taking into consideration not only their own experiences but also the experiences of their colleagues, they create intercultural dimension of education and care. Attending professional development events in other countries would implicitely strenghten their intercultural competences. Through E-Twinning - virtual community for learning and international cooperation - we have established successful cooperation with many countries. Here, it is important to emphasize that the experience of spending time abroad has beneficial effect on how open-minded an individual is.One of the core tasks of our development and education and care plan is increasing teachers' language competence for working in groups for the early learning of German and English as a foreign language. The most important argument for such an approach to language competence we find in the strategic framework "Education and training 2020". One of the goals to be achieved by the year 2020 as stated in this framework is to have children exposed to more languages under the motto „Mother tongue + 2 languages". Monolingualism is a result of living in a society that is not linguistically diverse and our intention is to contribute to establishing multilingualism as one of the most important standards of our education and care programs.

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