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Digital Storytelling for Spreading and Promoting Entrepreneurship
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Entrepreneurship is recognized as a powerful driver of economic growth and job creation: it creates new companies and jobs, opens up new markets, and nurtures new skills and capabilities. Entrepreneurship makes economies more competitive and innovative and is crucial in achieving the objectives of several European sectorial policies. For this reason, one of the main recommendations (Action Pillars) by the EU Commission Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan (2012) is to promote entrepreneurial education and training. However, in the EU the uptake and the effectiveness of entrepreneurship education in European vocational schools are still far from being fully satisfactory. This is mainly due to lack of suitable materials and lack of skills in trainers. The 2006 European Key Competences Framework defines sense of initiative and entrepreneurship as an individual's ability to turn ideas into action. It includes creativity, innovation and risk-taking, as well as the ability to plan and manage projects in order to achieve objectives. The benefits of entrepreneurship education are not limited to boosting start-ups, innovative ventures and new jobs. Entrepreneurship is a competence for everyone, helping people to be more creative and self-confident in whatever they undertake. Storytelling it is the normal way of human thinking. Through micro-narrative humans give meaning to life events and share values with others. Storytelling is very effective because it brings together the rational and the emotional, and elicits identification and emulation in the listener. The growth and ubiquitous diffusion of the web make now possible the digital storytelling enlarging further its diffusion and impact, also in the training and educational field. This project is addressed to aspirant entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs and VET trainers and will develop a methodology and a set of tools for developing entrepreneurship through storytelling. The project will produce a number of videos in different formats featuring 60 young entrepreneurs belonging to innovative sectors and sectors with good market opportunities (the entrepreneurs will tell about their business: how it started, what are the main current challenges, what skills are needed, etc.). a Study on main themes emerged by the interviews, a Guide on use of storytelling in VET, a face to face and a E-training course on developing entrepreneurship, a E-course addressed to trainers. The project is submitted by a consortium of 6 organizations interested at different levels at developing entrepreneurship: Employers’ associations (P5 IT, P3 RO), research organizations (P2 PL, P6 IT), VET organizations (P1 IT, P4 ES). Thanks to the project, over 70.000 members of target groups will be informed about the project, and over 1.5000 ‘learners’ and 180 trainers will be involved on it at different levels.
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