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Digital Sphere - A Finnish-Russian ecosystem for television over broadcast and Internet (Digital Sphere)
Start date: Mar 27, 2012, End date: Mar 26, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Overall objective of the project is creating the conditions for promoting economic development in the programme region by meeting the needs of today's information and telecommunication (ICT) technologies and services on the areas of development of interactive digital television technology and services based on cross-border cooperation. Specific objectives are combining achievements and potential of the Russian and Finnish participants of the project in order to develop new advanced ICT technologies; Creating preconditions for the realization of e-programs adopted by the Russian government, such as e-government, e-health, e-learning etc.; Creation of preconditions for formation of an ecosystem of SME-companies offering a wide variety of ICT, multimedia and content services in the programme area. Achievements: The main activities of the project covered cross-border cooperation and development of testing infrastructure for interactive digital television and IPTV technology and services. Results of the project were achieved by using awarded methodology and tools (research, laboratory testing, pilot samples, training seminars, monitoring and meetings). During the implementation period following results have been obtained: Research & Development Centre has been established, various research plans were composed and realized, new equipment has been created and passed comprehensive tests, education programs have been composed. Project has held a range of seminars and conferences by Russian and Finnish partners and more than 10 presentations and reports on project achievements have been published.
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  • 70%   1 169 740,00
  • 2007 - 2013 South-East Finland-Russia ENPI CBC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

4 Partners Participants