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Digital Innovation in training PLUS
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project DIGIT+ "Digital Innovation in Training PLUS" incorporates the positive experience of last year with the purpose of improving certain performances and to consolidate, within the local system of education and training, the implementation of innovative and flexible methodologies, in order to link school preparation with practical activities, through transnational mobility experiences.The initiative, promoted once again by the Chamber of Commerce of Macerata as the coordinator of the Consortium, is addressed to 100 students, of which at least one with special educational needs, attending the ultimate and pen-ultimate year of secondary school in the Province of Macerata, and aims at developing the participants’ technical-professional and transversal competences in the sector of Digital innovation, considered as one of the main drivers of growth in the current period of economic crisis. The project therefore responds to the strategy of EUROPE 2020 and, in particular, the European and Italian Agenda wishing to utilize the potential of ICT technology in order to support innovation, economic growth and progress. The development of digital competencies is fundamental to ensure that young people are able to access the modern labour market and to allow them full participation and inclusion in today’s digital society.The project is based on the innovative and involving method of alternation of education and training and it answers to the needs of the targeted students. In fact, recent research shows that, despite the numerous advancement of the modern school system, newly graduated high school students are often not prepared to approach the labour market because they:• Possess basic skills and competencies but lack technical and operative skills usable in the job market;• Show a natural incline towards digital and web technology, but they are not “digital competent”, i.e. their knowledge of digital technology is not adequate to a work context; • Show a general lack of confidence in their possibilities and dissatisfaction with the work environment, which is felt more acutely in this period of crisis;• Have transversal competences (team work, communication skills, problem solving attitude), but only try out in the school environment;• Have a limited knowledge of the local production system due to the absence of a true contact with the labour market.The mobility experience will be preceded by a thorough linguistic, cultural, pedagogical and sectorial preparation (15 hour distance language training, propaedeutic seminars, orientation to job market or university, job shadowing in local companies). This preparation will sustain future choices and encourage participation in innovative training experiences, open to a European context. The training process will be organized according to individual Learning Agreement that will be structured in terms of learning outcomes, in order to facilitate their recognition trough the ECVET system.Compared to the past experience, DIGIT+ offers internships lasting for four weeks, thus increasing the mobility experience with one week, in order to ensure an even better impact on the beneficiaries. The mobility will take place in the period between May and November 2016 in companies operating in the field of digital technologies located in England, Ireland, Germany, Sweden, Spain, France, Poland, Lithuania, Malta and Hungary.The following results are expected:• Development of technical and professional competencies, in respect to the chosen sectors and according to a recognised, certified and validated path;• Improvement in accessing the job market, thanks to a better understanding of the local economic structure and of the digital and ICT sectors;• Support the professional development of operators working in the vocational education system, by providing the opportunity for further improvement of skills at a European level;• Support the adoption of ECVET principles and tools in the design of training paths;• Strengthen network relationships with institutions of other countries, to develop European approaches aimed at connecting systematically the world of education and the labor market.Another element of strength of the project is the Consortium, that includes key actors of the educational and training system, as well as associations and companies that operate in the sector of digital innovation, all wishing to improve, within the province, the synergies between training and workplace; a winning strategy to increase the opportunities for young people to access the labour market.
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