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Digital competence and learning
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Today Information Technology is all around us. We need IT in almost all aspects of our everyday life. That`s why we decided to create a project where the teachers and students from our school will see the real application of the IT. "Digital competence and learning" project consisted of two activities. The first one was Staff training for the teachers. Five teachers from our school have been engaged in one week training course where they have learnt how to incorporate Information Technology into teaching. Since teaching methods change almost every year, and students’ needs and interests change year by year, the teachers need to use different teaching techniques to attain students` interest and to help them gain as much knowledge as possible. By using ICT in everyday classes teachers could make their lessons more interesting for the students. During the course the teachers have learnt how they could use ICT tools in teaching different courses, like English language, maths, economics, history, law etc. The training was provided by our partner, the vocational training organization EUROPASS Centro Studi Europeo from Firenze, Italy. The training was focused on the most popular platforms such as Vine and Youtube, Prezi, Edmodo and Moodle. Teachers have been provided with a wide range of practical teaching activities to enable them to make their classes more effective and enjoyable. Teachers have also learnt about safe use of social media, student versus teacher roles and digital classroom management. The training have helped our teachers acquire more knowledge about using new media as an educational tool, enhance student engagement and improve communication among students and teachers. The other activity in this project was VET learners traineeships for the students from the IT department in our school. They were engaged in traineeships in automotive companies to see how digital technology is used in the automotive industry. The traineeships had been organized by our second partner, Wisamar, educational institute from Leipzig, Germany. The aim of the traineeships was to give our students a chance to have an European training experience that would help them use the IT skills they have gained at school, and also help them learn something new, something that they could not have a chance to see in Macedonia. This project have help them see how IT is used in the automotive industry. Since Germany is a country with most developed automotive industry, our students have had a chance to see how automotive companies in Germany work, and how they use IT in automobiles. The project has also helped our students see that application of IT is not only in designing posters, making websites or web applications, but IT has also a very large application in today automobiles. The students have realized how, after finishing high school or University, they could become IT experts working for an automobile industry where they could possibly make programs like for car lights, brakes, speed etc. These kind of traineeships they could not have in Macedonia. That`s why this project have help our students have a better view of the IT world, learn new skills and techniques and have more experience, that they could later transfer to the other students, or even apply that experience in their future working places. Germany has very well developed IT and Automobile market with world companies working in these fields and that`s the reason why we have chosen Germany as a country for our students` traineeships. Also, there are many experts in German companies, from which our students could learn a lot. The VET learners traineeships involved 10 students from our school (from IT department). They had two-weeks training in companies in Leipzig and they also had study visit to BMW. They were 16-18 years old, and have been accompanied by two teachers. This project have had big impact on the participants since they have had an European training experience, an opportunity they could not be able to experience in Macedonia. The participants that experienced training placement in companies in Germany could see the working conditions in international companies and after the training they could compare it with the conditions in Macedonia. The participants in the Staff training have benefited from this project by the experience they received from training from professionals, by the exchange of experience with Italian colleagues and also by the networking they might be able to use in their future European projects. The project has also risen participants' awareness and understanding of other cultures and countries, offering them the opportunity to build networks of international contacts, to actively participate in society and develop a sense of European citizenship. This project has also had impact on SABA, as a participating organization. The school has received an experience with VET training projects and will be prepared for the next project like this.
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