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Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Since 2008, in these 7 years of economic crisis there have been significant job losses that have affected the most vulnerable groups. Despite the economic recovery in which we currently find ourselves, with job creation, our project focuses on finding solutions to the group that has more difficulty in overcoming the crisis and returning to find a new job. This group is that of the long-term unemployed and especially of those over 45 years. Once unemployed back to the labor market is difficult, because in the vast majority of cases lack of digital skills required in the workplace. In some cases, they require digital literacy, as their ignorance of new technologies applied in the work environment is total.The councils of Argentona, Montgat and ACIT association are working in the field of adult education with a major emphasis in basic skills and transversal skills as digital skills for better employability of their students.The consortium members have made a European development plan that aims to help incorporate quality and innovation to the orientation and training in basic skills for disadvantaged groups and digital literacy, especially for those over 45 years. This innovation, new training methods, techniques and tools of motivation of students wish to acquire with training mobility of teachers and management staff from other European countries. The councils of Argentona and Montgat although they are entities with extensive experience in training for employment and dealing with disadvantaged groups, lack sufficient experience of European cooperation for the proper management of European educational projects. ACIT, coordinator of the consortium has a good experience in managing European educational programs and promoting international mobility, as well as good contacts at European level.The project partners have formed a consortium, distributing the roles, rights and duties of everyone to benefit from the experience of each and manage the mobility project more efficiently.In the first year of the project it is to conduct a flow of mobility of staff, groups of 11 career counselors and trainers and managers of each partner to be formed in the formation of basic skills for disadvantaged groups (4-day course structured) in a reference center of this issue of vocational training and adult Glasgow Clyde College. These mobility participants will be responsible for acquiring technical skills for better training and motivation of students from disadvantaged groups.In the second year of the project it is to conduct a mobility flow of 9 professionals counselor and trainer profile and management of each partner attending a structured 3-day course in another prestigious center of adult education and continuing training BFI Tirol in Austria, which will acquire new techniques and training methods in digital competition for long-term unemployed and in particular for over 45 years that forms in their respective training centers.Participants are expected to gain professional mobility expertise to enable them to improve the quality and effectiveness of its courses in basic skills of disadvantaged and digital competence-oriented long-term unemployed and over 45 years respectively. They are also expected to acquire skills that enable them to improve student motivation and improve the employability of the same short and long term, contributing to the European development plan of the organizations.The participating organizations hope so, improve the quality of training provided and its effectiveness with the underprivileged.This project will contribute to the EU policy, European Agenda for Adult Education and the Europe 2020 goals for employment (employment for 75% of those aged 20 to 64) and combating poverty and social exclusion (reduction of at least 20 million the number of people experiencing or at risk of poverty and social exclusion).
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