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DIG IT: Digital Storytelling meets the world of work
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

DIG IT network North Karelia College Outokumpu, Finland Colegiul Tehnic de Electronica si Telecomunicatii "Gheorghe Marzescu" Iasi, Romania 5th Vocational evening School of Thessaloniki, Greece Agrupamento de Escolas de Mangualde, Portugal Istituto D´istruzione secondaria superiore M. Pagano, Italy DIG IT project focuses on cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices between educators, schools and organizations. The project covers a variety of topics which link to labour market issues, youth unemployment, early school leaving, combating failure in education, entrepreneurial learning, implementing ICT technologies and digital tools and social media into education, enhancing both teachers and students digital competences. DIG IT project specifically targets students and continues the "Repérer-Réparer-Raccrocher" (RRR) Project (2013-2015) aimed to prevent dropout. RRR– project has trained teachers in Finland, Greece, Romania and other countries with innovative teaching and learning methods focused on the theory of multiple intelligences. The objectives of DIG IT– project are linked with different strategic frameworks such as Education & Training 2020: Making lifelong learning and mobility a reality, improving the quality and efficiency of education and training, promoting equity, social cohesion, and active citizenship and enhancing creativity and innovation, including entrepreneurship, at all levels of education and training. The key element of the project is the method of Digital Storytelling which will be used as a way to reflect and document the workplace visits students have executed during the transnational events. Students will gain knowledge about the labour market skills and entrepreneurship through interviews and discussions with professionals and high profile decision makers in Europe. The experiences will be shared with Digital Stories. Digital Storytelling combines the art of telling stories with a variety of digital multimedia, such as images, audio, and video. DIG IT activities can be divided in five phases: 1. Planning and training for the mobilities in home school. Use of social media and digital tools to connect with the partners 2. Visits in the companies and social partner organizations. Interviews and discussions with professionals and high profile decision makers in Europe. 3. Digital Storytelling workshops for reflecting and documenting the visits. Editing the recorded interviews. 4. Evaluation, feedback, reflection at the home institution with the use of social media, digital tools etc. 5. Dissemination. Educators activities also include: project meetings, hands-on workshops on Digital Storytelling and social media tools & virtual worlds in education, group discussions etc. Approximately 100 students and 10 – 20 teachers from five countries will be working together in four transnational training events and in two transnational meetings. A kick off meeting with an educators workshop in Finland in October 2015 will start the activities and a evaluation & dissemination meeting in Thessaloniki, Greece in May 2017 will close the project. Two teachers from each participating organization will take part in these meetings. DIG IT will ensure access to the transnational training events on an equal basis, especially for individuals at risk of being excluded and from disadvantaged backgrounds. The opportunity to participate in the project workshops and mobilities is especially given to those students that have challenges in staying at school, have less opportunities to participate in multicultural activities, have economical challenges to participate or feel insecure to travel alone. DIG IT – project aims to empower students and teachers, raise students’ awareness of their character and abilities, to improve their IT and digital skills while working on Digital Storytelling, to raise attainment of under-achieving students, to increase the knowledge of the labor market and broaden their horizons about the variety of jobs available. The results will be seen in changes in individuals; in the way they work, collaborate in everyday life and also in an international environment. The process of empowerment in individuals includes encouraging, and developing the skills for self-sufficiency, independent decision making and in the way how students approach learning. The project benefits such as advanced use of digital tools and especially adaptation of the use Digital Storytelling model, which will be maintained and spread in the partner network as well as outside the network. Handbook of Digital Storytelling is a way to create sustainability.
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4 Partners Participants