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Die Welt verändern ohne sich kaputt zu machen - Strategien des nachhaltigen zivilgesellschaftlichen Engagements für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene.
Start date: Feb 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Changing the world without burn-out - strategies of sustainable civil society involvement for young people. Background: Conditions of civil society activities are changing in times of social change and economic and environmental crisis. In our ever faster moving society, more people, especially in the third sector, where a major share of the work is done voluntary, are heavily impacted by burn-out through increasing levels of stress and insecurity. So that important resources, knowledge and contacts are lost which are a key of dealing with multiple social and environmental crisis. That is why the development of sustainable strategies for civil society involvement has a great importance for society, especially for youth and young adults. Objectives of the transnational youth initative: - build knowledge and experience of burn-out and burn-out prevention in civil society groups and activities for young people - pass on experiences and knowledge to youth and young adults, who are active in environmental-, peace- and other civil society groups. - making young multiplicators more resilient, in order to better deal with the challenges of being involved in civil society activities in order to strengthen groups of civil society. Project activities: - develop an education methods tool box for sustainable civil society engagement (innovative, open educational resource). This will be passed on in two ten days long trainings, with 30 participants per training – one will take place in Germany, the other one in the Netherlands. - educational material will be collected and developed (on burn-out and sustainable involvement in civil society groups):. -> handouts -> a movie that shows best-practive examples. - Workshops in the areas of the partner groups (ca. 10 Workshops per group in two years, ca. 15 participants per workshops = 600 participants). The results of the project will be passed on personally at the trainings and on the internet through the fact sheets, handouts and the movie. Methodology: The project is carried out by young adults. They aim at working self-empowered and self-organised - listening and learning from eachother. At the trainings and workshops participatory and experience-based innovative methods are chosen, so that all participants can contribute and take part equally, as well as supporting and enabling self-empowered learning and participation. Results and impact of the project: - material on burn-out prevention and sustainable involvement in groups of the civil society is created (curriculum/ tool box of methodes, handouts, film) -> open educational resources - enhance capacities and experience of educational youth work in terms of sustainable involvement in groups of the civil society in the participating groups (organisation management and professional development) and among the participants of the trainings. - knowledge and access to material about burn-out and sustainable social commitment in German, Dutch and English. -> through this support and enabling of young people to fully participate at democratic processes. Long term impact: Youth and young adults who are involved in groups of the civil society can be active long term without burning out and therefore dropping out. Stable and resilient groups can meet the challenges of our society creatively and sustainably withouth overworking or falling apart due to conflict.
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3 Partners Participants