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Didattica-Mente: learning to learn with ICT
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Didattica-Mente: learning to learn with ICT With this project the IIS “Blaise Pascal” of Reggio Emilia, Italy, aims to start an effective process of teaching innovation following its long history as experimental school. The focus of the project identifies a close link between the widespread and updated use of ICT and: - students’ active participation, - effective teaching, - reducing drop-outs, - inclusion of special needs students - developing cross-curricular competences to facilitate access to labour market. Therefore our priority is an effective training for teachers of all subject areas: improving the use of new technology in teaching and increasing its practice, which is often lacking or non-consistent, and fostering active learning approach, so that the learning environment will become more stimulating and interactive. The structure of the project reflects and enhances the founding features of the school: a) As teaching activities are designed by teams of the same subject area, which is the fundamental principle of earlier experimentation, we propose to send a large number of teachers (16% out of the total) in order to include representatives of each subject area. b) The continuous research for new tools and methods, originating from the regional project “Lepida Scuola” (that our school contributed to promote) for the diffusion of project and problem based learning, shows the need for incisive renewal of teaching techniques, thanks to effective use of ICT. c) The school strong commitment to increase the European dimension, whose outcomes are ongoing exchanges and projects with several EU schools, leads to better identify the training providers that really can match our requirements. The project consists of mobility training activities for 20 teachers to experience both job shadowing (6 participants) and structured courses (14 participants) throughout the 24 months of project duration. We intend to guarantee a positive result of the project by stating definite criteria for candidate selection, planning preparatory meetings to allow better participation to the training, arranging varied strategies in the dissemination phase. The eligible participants will be fairly competent in English language and show interest or have some experience in innovative teaching methods with ICT. Also the teachers that are being trained for CLIL methodology will be eligible for the project. Each training event will be attended by 2 teachers from different subject areas in order to promote a shared reflection on the experience and to increase impact on the school pedagogic revitalization. The expected results will be: -Improving and updating competences in teaching/learning methods with ICT -Field training on how such methodologies are used in the classroom -Building a transnational pedagogic network to actively share knowledge -Improving communicative competence of the working language (English) to use in CLIL teaching.
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