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Dialogue among people cultures, through the UNESCO World cultural, natural and intangible Heritage
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Mar 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project “Dialogue among people cultures, through the UNESCO World cultural, natural and intangible Heritage” is a cultural proposal that aimed to bring together young people from different countries and to unite them in an intercultural collaboration. The project seeked to involve young people in the protection and highlighting of cultural, natural and intangible Heritage and to encourage their participation in the decision making process for proposing monuments to become part of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The countries was Greece, Romania, Russia, Ukraine, Estonia, and Tunisia. The participants aged 13-30, totally 60 (10 per each country), was accompanied by 12 leaders ( 2 per each country). Before the period of mobility young people worked in groups to prepare presentations of UNESCO World Heritage sites of their country. Also they prepared Cultural Evenings dedicated to the intangible heritage of their country that included traditional music, dances, traditional cuisine, stories and traditional games. Additionally, participants worked in groups to gather information and present historic sites, ecosystems and intangible cultural elements of their country, they would like to propose for inclusion in the UNESCO World Heritage Sites list. During the period of mobility that took place in Corinth, Greece, young participants presented to their fellows UNESCO World Heritage of their countries, performed Cultural Evenings dedicated to each participant country, and all together did play traditional games. To be included in the UNESCO World Heritage list, sites must be of outstanding universal value and meet at least one out of ten selection criteria. Young participants worked in teams in order to examine the criteria for the proposed sites after presenting them with arguments for their inclusion in the UNESCO World Heritage List. After a voting there were highlighted monuments that participants finally presented to experts in the field, during the conference “World Heritage and Youth” where have been made recommendations on issues of the World Heritage and the role of young people.Taking as central axis the European cultural diversity, the project also included learning activities for cultural rights and the European multiculturalism. Finally the young participants visited UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Greece. After the period of mobility, each country organized a small-scale local event to present the proposed sites to be included in UNESCO World Heritage List, as well as to disseminate the project results. The project involved young people on decision making process and influenced their local community to support young people's cultural initiatives. Inside the spirit of intercultural understanding, the project promoted solidarity among young people from different countries, who after the mobility continued to be in contact, and encouraged them to shape Europe's future where the differences are chances that inspires human creativity rather that obstacles to further integration.
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