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DIAL-UP: Durabil, Inovativ, Aplicativ, Lucrativ = Utilitate si Profesionalism
Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The sending organization is a pre-university educational institution which prepares skilled labor force in different areas of specialization (mechanical, electronics and automation, construction, textile, food resources, trade and tourism).Given the current context of the country's socio-economic development and EU integration efforts stands out the high mobility of the skilled labor both on the European and national labor market. Upper secondary and professional education learning outcomes take into consideration forming socially integrated graduates who are able to decide over their own careers, over their intellectual and professional development.In order to do this, the educational activities which take place in our school are according to the Educational Plan, to ensure that students acquire general and thorough professional competencies. Linking the data from the school documents to the analysis of the educational environment, it became evident the school’s necessity to increase the insertion of graduates on the job market.To achieve this, the school proposes the DIAL-UP project, whose implementation aims to increase the applicability of the professional knowledge in teaching technical subjects among 11 VET teachers from our school and to develop skills of professional integration in the labor market among 78 VET students from our school up to 31.07.2018.This project aims to achieve the following objectives:O1. Developing the ability to use innovative methods for teaching technical subjects among 11 VET teachers for a period of two years;O2. Increasing practical skills in the field of professional training through practical internships in European companies among the 78 VET students within 2 years;O3. Developing professional communication skills in Spanish among the 89 participants within two years.The project refers to a number of 100 participants, of which 11 are VET teachers participating in job shadowing activities, 78 are VET students from all fields of specialization within our school, aged 15-18, who take part in practical internships within European companies which have the same specialization as participants and 11 are accompanying persons (school’s teachers). A student in the target group will be selected from among students with special needs in our school and will take the advantage of having an accompanying person.The job shadowing activities, for each VET teacher who takes part, consist in 5 specialized lessons conducted in vocational schools and in visiting three companies with the same specialization as the participant, from the host country for a week. The practical internships consist in training students to perform working tasks which are according to their skills and their professional education and which take into consideration achieving key competencies in certain CDL (locally developed optional courses) or practical training modules of the school curriculum .The students’ activity will be evaluated using the standards of the professional training from the host country and will be recognized according to the school legal stipulations. The training internship will take place for 3 weeks in companies from the host country under the guidance of a tutor from that company. In this respect, the sending organisation identified an intermediate organisation which facilitates the access of the participants to the host organisations (vocational institutions and companies).The results obtained by the implementation of this project are: an improved school curricula in the Technologies curricular area with 5 revised CDL (locally developed optional courses) ,2 new CDL (locally developed optional courses) and an updated curricular auxiliary. Teachers participating in this type of activities such as job shadowing have the opportunity to transfer their acquired knowledge into examples of good and innovative practice not only in the school they work but also in other schools with whose teachers they collaborate through exchange experience. Thus they contribute to an improved quality of education, with the goal of forming skilled labor who is able to integrate in the labor market. This will lead to decreasing unemployment and increasing economic strength of the area. The teachers’participation will be acknowledged by school through the equivalence of these activities with transferable credits. On the other hand, 78 students will benefit from the experience of working into multicultural teams, they will learn to use modern equipment, to develop their creative and entrepreneurial spirit and this will facilitate their integration on the labor market. Besides the professional competencies acquired, the student with special needs will be integrated in the work field which will be an advantage when he integrates in the labor market.This project will have positive effects on its participants, on the teachers, students, and school as a whole and on all the involved partners.
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