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Diagnosing Parkinson’s Disease by neuromuscular function evaluation (DIPAR)
Start date: Dec 1, 2010, End date: Sep 30, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

MANUS Neurodynamica, a high-tech startup based in the North East of England has developed a novel system to detect and characterize the earliest changes in the neuromuscular system associated with the onset of Parkinson’s disease. This illness, which affects 5 citizens in every 1000 over the age of 60, is chronic, degenerative and currently incurable. Although there are promising therapies on the horizon, the best patient outcome available today can only be delivered on basis of early and accurate diagnosis, leading to superior management and care planning, resulting in enhanced quality of life for the patient. Across the developed world, the population is ageing, leading to increases per capita in neuromotor conditions. Based upon Manus’ existing technology, it is intended to develop: • A novel intelligent decision support system, trained against live patient data capable of discerning markers of PD • A communications framework, supporting secure data transfer between remote clinics and healthcare centres and the MANUS central service • An enhanced version of the unique and patented hand-held stylus, capable of detecting the minute movements indicative of Parkinson’s and other neuromotor diseases • A preclinical trial, conducted at the University Medical Centre Groningen (Netherlands), demonstrating the efficacy of the system. The proposed consortium is a new, vertically integrated supply chain, leveraging significant revenues from the sale and licensing of the project end results through collaboration with other innovative SMEs involved in the DiPAR project.

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