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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The purpose which the project entitled "MANAGEMENT OF LIVING AND DEVELOPMENT ΟF BIRDS on farms (welfare)"It had the training of participants in practices with respect to animal welfare which has long been a priority of the European Union (EU), especially after the food crises. The mad cow disease, salmonella poisoning and the outbreak of foot and mouth disease shattered public confidence in the food chain. The welfare is the situation of the animal when trying to adapt to its environment. In the "Protocol on the Protection and Welfare of Animals", the Amsterdam Treaty sets out new rules for EU action. It recognizes that animals are sentient beings ( "animals feel") and requires proper treatment. The implementation reasons of the project entitled "MANAGEMENT OF LIVING AND DEVELOPMENT OF BIRDS on farms (welfare)" was just to meet this need for compliance with new living practices welfare of birds on farms. Germany was chosen as host because it has a lot of experience in poultry farms which have been harmonized with the recent legislation. The specific objectives of the project are focused to the human resources of the Association to know and discern: 1. WHEN creating problems of wellfare: - bad stabling, - lack of food and water, - disease - injuries, - stress (eg weaning). 2. WHAT REQUIRES welfare: - disease prevention - veterinary care - adequate housing and management - balanced diet - "humane treatment" from birth to slaughter the animals. 3. The NEW CONSTRUCTION APPLICATIONS - housing and new technologies in poultry farms to ensure the welfare of the birds. 4. APPLICATIONS OF GENETICS not only increase productivity but also improvement of diseases. The total project duration was 14 days and was held in Germany, with the participation of 20 beneficiaries. Potential beneficiaries in mobility were owners and senior executives and poultry slaughterhouses. The Host Organization uve GmbH that was chosen had extensive experience and expertise regarding the mobility and adult education. Planned visits to companies deemed valuable and significantly contributed to the understanding of the training subject. The expected impact of the program on the beneficiaries identified in the following order for the participants to: improve the competitiveness of their businesses, upgrade services, use the newly acquired knowledge and skills to benefit their businesses and themselves, increase their productivity, apply modern techniques and methods used in their business in international markets in general.
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