Search for European Projects

Start date: Aug 18, 2014, End date: Aug 17, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In developing the project, we have considered the Europe 2020 and ET 2020 strategic goals set for the member states: fostering interchange, cooperation and mobility of educational and training systems, teacher training with common characteristics across the EU, exceeding state borders and language barriers, so that teachers have a full range of knowledge, attitudes and pedagogic skills to help young people showcase their full potential. Based on these aspects, we have identified the following needs for our institution: 1. low quality management, both in the classroom and at the school unit level; 2. predominant use of traditional methods in teaching, learning and assessment, inappropriate for the new curriculum; 3. low use of ICT in various disciplines; 4. limited language skills of teachers in foreign languages; 5. low intercultural skills of teachers and the adoption of appropriate behavior in this respect; The purpose of this project is to facilitate the development of skills for the eight teachers in our school in order to improve the quality of school management, to promote creativity, linguistic diversity and the development of ICT resources, to improve quality in all sectors of education, to encourage the efficient use of results, innovative products and processes through the exchange of good practices in education. OBJECTIVES : 1. High quality European management, both in the classroom and at school level; 2. Predominant use of active-participatory methods in teaching, learning and assessing educational programs adapted to the new European curriculum 3. Frequent use of ICT in the various disciplines; 4. Improved language skills for our teachers. 5. Developed intercultural skills for all teachers. Target group: eight teachers from "Horia Vintilă" Technological High School , Segarcea, who teach at different levels, without discrimination regarding gender and origin, with the desire to develop specific and trans-disciplinary skills and open to other cultures and civilizations from Europe, teachers that have previously participated in a maximum of two international trainings and having an intermediate level of English. Activities: -Project management -Initial training - the progress of courses and monitoring -validation - certification -dissemination Methods: -explanation - Exercises -conversation - case study -teamwork - project-based learning RESULTS : - enriched knowledge on assertiveness , group dynamics and negotiation - developed social skills with real impact on creating a positive climate for learning and educational resources management by using concrete materials , direct experience and examples from everyday life - enhanced skills of conflict management at classroom and school level - Increased ability to create multi-disciplinary lessons - developed skills in the effective use of methods that enable learning and encourage creativity - skills in collaborative project development and teaching, according to the learning styles of our students - enhanced skills in providing equal opportunities to all students and in creating a sense of belonging to the EU - developed language skills through the use of various techniques - increased intercultural competence by acquiring specific course content - skills in using the Moodle platform - increased skills in integrating ICT in education IMPACT: I. Short-term: A. At individual level - expanded social - skills of the participants - to increase the interest of our colleagues / students to debate on European issues - to encourage colleagues to participate in a series of similar mobilities - to improve methods and techniques of teaching / learning in our institution - to contribute to the development of the eight key competences in the European citizenship for students B. At organizational level : - realization of modifications referring to the structure of the school curriculum - establishing a network of contacts that will lead to the development of European projects - improved coordination and management of the institution - developing the material resources for our school II . Long-term: - giving an European dimension to our institution - improving communication and intercultural skills of other teachers from the county, the country and even abroad - provide an updated overview of European education

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