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Start date: Sep 15, 2014, End date: Sep 14, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project DEVELOPING SKILLS FOR STUDENTS IN TOURISM FOR THE INTEGRATION INTO THE EUROPEAN LABOR MARKET is initiated by the Technical College "P.Poni" Onesti for a period of two years 15.09.2014-14.09.2016, aiming to place 20 students of XIth degree - specialization "Tourism Technician", in travel agencies in Malaga, Spain in two flows, to acquire professional skills at a European level, in order to integrate into the European labor The main objective of the project aims to increase labor mobility in Europe, by promoting adaptability and flexibility on the labor market. The specific objectives of the project aim that the participants: - create and perfect the specific abilities as Tourism technicians; - acquire new practical skills in their filed of work and master the specific behavior of the Tourism worker; - evaluate their own skills and ability to conduct critical analysis in their profession - develop their ability to self-educate and work as team members; - adapt to an organized professional environment and understand quality standards and work relations in companies; - broaden their cultural horizon; - improve their Spanish knowledge and acquire social skills, as this placement will teach them how to relate to people from different cultures, thus integrating into a new life and work environment for the first time. Participants will perform the following ACTIVITIES: • will comply the work security and training program, • will teach to complete specific business documents of travel and ticketing, • will identify types of travel agencies • will complete the Client sheet, • will apply the marketing policies of their host organization regarding product, price and distribution, • will conclude prior agreements between tourism providers and the host organization and between the agency organization and customers, • will create tourism products, • will create offers for traveling programs, • will sell traveling programs, • will conduct post-sale activities, • will use Specific software and Internet to accomplish daily activities carried out inside host organizations. All these acquisitions will represent added value to their initial formation, both professionally and personally, which will allow them a better insertion into an intercultural European society and will also constitute an incentive for their later development in life. For this project, we turned to collaborators from the previous project. Once again, SIC MALAGA intermediated our connection to Viajes Malagueta si Albalatour, the travel agencies that agreed to receive our participants in placement, provide them with a training stage which include the activities that we requested, according to the project objectives. We all agreed upon 90 hours of practice, covered in 3 weeks of placement, representing 15 working days of 6 hours practice/day, in order to achieve our goals and accomplish all activities stipulated by the curriculum of semester practice, according to the Romanian Plan of Education and the Professional Training Standards. At the same time, we all agreed that the best period of the stage, both for the beneficiary and in accordance to the school year structure, would be 06.07 2015 – 26.07.2015 for the first flow and 04.07 2016 – 24.07.2016 for the second one. Expected results of our placements are: • Participants will develop their interest toward new things and knowledge and will enrich their specialty skills, started in Romania with the theoretical training; they will add practical skills, thus completing their formation with immediate, real facts about their future line of work. • Participants will develop skills regarding ticketing, booking and online purchasing of plane tickets. • This placement will streamline their Tourism knowledge, by covering both practical and theoretical aspects of their training in an active manner. • The project will contribute to the development of Tourism skills of our pupils, the future labor force both for Romania and Europe; they will acquire the same, universal skills required anywhere in Europe and these abilities will therefore be recognized through European. The project will have an inclusive result in developing the key skills of our participants - foreign languages, ICT and enhancing inter-relational skills, and will be an important stage of inter-institutional cooperation and partnerships of our institution.

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