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Dezvoltarea competenţelor de comunicare în relaţionarea părinţi-profesori- elevi pentru succesul şcolar
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our school is representative for Giurgiu County, with a graduation rate of over 95%. Carefully analyzing the situation of the statistics regarding graduation, school failure and absenteeism it has been registered the rising of the last two indicators and a slightly decrease of graduation. We consider that the cause is based on the lack of family implication to support the child in the school environment and the inefficient school-family communication. However, the development of some communication skills for the teachers within a cultural context and through various means of communication, quality improvement and promoting the European dimension, raising the linguistic competences in English through training courses provided by authorized European institutions. The aims of the project are: developing skills for efficient intercultural communication, within various environments, especially IT, for 14 teachers and a member of the administrative staff (secretary), including two managers in 12 months of the project, by participating, in three flows, in training courses like:Understand Yourself, Understand Your Learners, Intercultural and Communication Skills, ICT as a tool for intercultural and media education; the training of the entire educational staff regarding efficient intercultural communication in various contexts, through cascade training courses done by the project team members; the increase of the number of parents taking part in the programme ,, Parents’ School”; achieving school success for students through the increase of the graduation percentage at the end of the school year at their national evaluations and the decrease in the number of absences and school failure. These 15 participants at the training courses have been divided in three flows, taking into account their training needs and the function they have within the school institution. The participants are in charge of some departments and commissions, have different qualifications and responsibilities at county level ( Methodists), they have teamwork and dissemination abilities, they are available to actively take part in the training course for the entire period of the project display, to multiply the course’s results and the English knowledge. The main issues that will be dealt or improved through this project are: the communicative deficiency between school-family, rising of the school failure for some students that belong to some disadvantaged minority groups or families confronting with parental deadlock and have problems handling the relationship between parents-children; some teachers’ lack of knowledge regarding modern communicative theories. The activities of the project include: the analysis of the school needs, the selection of the participants, their preparations for taking part in the course, the attending of the courses in three flows, cascade training of all the other teachers and school staff concerning efficient communication in various contexts, especially It, with students and their parents, unrolling the programme Parents’ School, preventing school failure and its risks through a productive and communicative approach and through closely monitoring the established indicators and personalized intervention of the tutor teachers. The specific activities of the project management: planning, dissemination, implantation, monitoring, risk prevention, evaluation, budget, rapport and follow-up, all these will be done in group work by the team members. The internal evaluation will be made by the project members, parents representatives, students’ board members,school board, and the external evaluation will be done by local institutions like School Inspectorate, Training Teachers’ House. The impact on the participants will have professional consequences and will improve interpersonal communicative competences, the abilities to use various means of communication, including the technical environment. Within the students’ families there will be a decrease in parental issues, it will raise the implication degree of parents for their children and there will be more efficient solutions for dealing with family problems and managing parent-child relationship. At school level, the impact will trigger an increase in parents’ interest for their children’s school work, they will actively take part in the school activities, it will raise the quality in students’ education, and it will lead to modernization and internationalization of the school and enhance its image within the local community. The students’ progress after the project will be reflected in the increase of graduation percentage and at the national evaluations, the decrease in the number of absences and number of school failure cases. In the future the school will continue to promote a collaborative parental model behaviour, will enlarge the cultural horizon through international cooperation, multicultural European contacts and exchange of best practice.

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