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Développer une stratégie d'ouverture européenne en réseau d'éducation prioritaire
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Paris school district is made up of schools located in various educative environments and hosting students from different social backgrounds. As one of the priorities of the academic project is European and international opening, the 'académie de paris' supports and advises schools in the implementation of their European opening policy.The school visits have highlighted few international projects in schools in priority education zones (less-privileged areas). This slow development is mainly due to a lack of funding and a need for additional support. With this in mind, the 'académie de Paris' decided to offer a mobility opportunity to the educative community of these schools so that they discover foreign contexts and improve their project actions.This project aims at providing an experience of mobility abroad to the educative community of the priority education zones in Paris. The project targets school principals who could then implement long-term based projects for their school, teachers who will be the future actors of European projects, as well as coordinators who ensure a link and continuity between projects for primary and secondary schools.During the mobilities participants will work with trainers and will discover teaching methods used abroad in challenging educative contexts. They will visit schools and talk with school principals and teachers in order to create contacts for the implementation of future joint projects.Mobilities will be organised with the academic partners of the 'académie de Paris' with which efficient and sustainable work relationships already exist. These partners will guarantee a qualitative following and future perspectives.The expertise of the GIP-FCIP in European projects will ensure the best financial management possible.The 'académie de paris' will closely work with the consortium members during the entire project, and this in relation with the partners abroad to organise the mobilities.This project will directly benefit the participants who will discover new working and teaching methods and will improve their ability to coordonate European projects. The schools that are part of the consortium, and by extension all the schools of the priority education zones, will benefit from the project thanks to the dissemination of the participants and the implementation of future projects for all these actors. These impacts will have positive outcomes for all the schools and educative staff of the 'académie de Paris' to whom the particpants will promote their experience.This project will contribute to the rise in the number of European projects and school partnerships. Thanks to the contacts made during the mobility and thanks to the support of the services of the 'académie', the schools will be able to submit their own applications for Erasmus+ projects. There will also be more student mobilities as soon as the partnerships are well implemented.
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