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Développement et réorganisation des territoires : Redonner une place aux jeunes
Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

MRJC, is a French NGO managed and run by young people between 13 and 30 years, active in development of rural areas. MRJC decided to organize in 2015 a Dialogue between young people and policy makers, questioning the place and role of youth in the development territories challenge. This project stems from studies and analyzes conducted by the MRJC during previous seminars we have organized and carried by young people look on the current situation. On the one hand, we note that there is a challenge to re-examine the territories development and the role of youth in this process. On the other hand, we note young people and policy makers and to discuss, debate this topic and desired impact this policy. We choose to organize this project in 2015, because during this year the French government will study the territories reform and we want the young people take part of this project. This Dialogue between young people and policy makers will take place in several stages: Initially, we will organize 4 workshops in different regions, where young people and local policymakers will discuss the challenges posed by the development of the territories. In a second step, we will organize in the summer of 2015, a national seminar, bringing together all the participants of the first workshop. This seminar will aim to capitalize all the discussions and enable pooling; a confrontation and a scaling study of the problem, because we will invite regional and national decision-makers to come share with young people. This project will be implemented in full by young (preparation, implementation, evaluation). It will aim several objectives: - Educate and inform young people about the issues that are regional development and the proposed land reform; - Encourage the active participation of young French, from rural areas, in democratic life; - Facilitate the meeting and debate between young people and policy makers / experts; - Allowing the development of knowledge and the desire to act for territorial development; - Enable young people to build proposals on development policies and territorial equality; - To inspire young people to be agents of their territory and development.
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