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Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Competitiveness in business activity is significantly determined by intangible factors that act as levers of orientation and focus regarding the production and investment effort.These factors can be classified into two categories: the first concerns characteristics of entrepreneurial and innovative behavior and practice and the second structural characteristics of the production system.This programme involves a two-week visit of 15 tutors of The Educational Group of EUROIDEA in CO.EUR.-Associazione di Consulenza e FormazioneEuropea educational organization (host partner) in Rome, Italy. The goal is to get them trained on issues related to entrepreneurship and the link between post-secondary education and the labor market. These teachers need training on issues relating to entrepreneurship, because their training during the years of their university studies was incomplete, are directly called on to train students who graduate having acquired professional rights are therefore potential entrepreneurs without knowledge in "business" and 'e-business". These tutors have basic computer skills (Windows, Word, Excel, Power Point, Internet) and the majority speak the English language at a satisfactory level. Further training of these teachers on issues related to social entrepreneurship and adult education through this program is imperative and a necessary supplement to the training that preceded.The objective of this proposal is to train teachers who will participate as beneficiaries of the program in cooperation with the teacher CO.EUR organization. The acquisition of knowledge and skills in the field of social entrepreneurship and new technologies and IT in the implementation of business plans and business canvas not only concerns formal education but non-formal or informal learning as well through processes such as remote training (e-learning ) training in the workplace, learning through teamwork, etc. Contact with educational institutions in the public and private sector in Italy through technical visits of the program will provide an opportunity for our teachers to compare education systems, methods and education on the spot and encourage the adoption of positive practices in the teaching of our students. The training of teachers will contribute to the following:.- Improvement in quality and access to continuing vocational training and lifelong skills and competence.- Quality improvement of process, teaching and learning.- Teachers will evaluate and effectively use production factors provided by EUROIDEA.- Professional development and improved performance as well as cultivation of the triptych: Knowledge - Skills - Attitudes.- This operation will help to disseminate knowledge / experience and therefore link education with the social context.- Fighting off social marginalization in Greek region that is due to lack of expertise.- Influence the curricula and the teaching methods. - Move from educational isolation to join an online community and be placed equally in the contemporary European reality.The program will be implemented over a period of 18 months from 07.11.2016 until 01.10.2018. The period of the flow will be: from 02/07/2017 to 07/16/2017 in Rome, Italy in educational organization CO.EUR.- Associazione di Consulenza e FormazioneEuropea.
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