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Development of Woodcrafts Heritage for Regional Tourism Development in the Districts of Rokiski and Jekabpils (Wooden Heritage)

The tourism potential based on woodenheritage in Rokiškis District (LT) and JekabpilsDistrict (LV) is not used to its full extent, dueto the lack of regional tourism marketingstrategy and lack of support for publictourism infrastructure development.The project raises regional competitivenessof the area of Rokiškis and Jekabpils.The main project results are: joint regionaltourism marketing strategy 2010 for theregional tourism route; trained professionalguides with focus on wooden heritage;printed marketing material in 4 languages,integral Internet sites of the regional tourismroutes, transfer of best experience, as wellas reconstruction of 2 investment objects(Rokiškis Statue Park and Selpils WoodcraftsStudio) and elaboration of technicaldocumentation for reconstruction of 5other tourism sites of the joint regional routetraining of guides and study tour to KingsRoad (Finland).
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  • 75%   546 225,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Latvia - Lithuania - Belarus (LV-LT-BY)
  • Project on KEEP Platform

5 Partners Participants