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Development of the Vartius border crossing point and its surrounding environment / Promoting the implementation of the master plan and traffic environment repairs
Start date: Dec 31, 2004, End date: Sep 29, 2006 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project was intended to improve the backyard-like appearance of Vartius into a clean and organised scenic environment. The construction of the traffic ways was seen as an essential enabler for the systematic planning of the area and the meaningful positioning of functions there. The growth of new vegetation was to be promoted and the environmental and scenic damage resulting from the operations was to be repaired using scenic roadside green areas along the main road. The environmental reconditioning work at the discontinued gravel pit adjacent to the groundwater extraction location within the local land-use plan was to protect and secure the availability of highquality groundwater. Achievements: The project was completed as planned. The traffic lanes were constructed as part of the project as outlined in the local land-use plan, with slight alignment changes. The green barrier areas were made scenic using scenic barriers, dirt layers and planted grass and trees. The trees were cut down along the main road, the wood product storage was moved from the immediate vicinity of the road to the area assigned for it in the local land-use plan, the area was cleaned of old waste and the gravel pit adjacent to the Vartius water extraction facility was partially filled in order to protect the groundwater. The project objective was fulfilled very well. The environmental reconditioning by the Vartius road leading to the national border blends in well with the natural environment and does not require a lot of maintenance. The overall impression of the area is clean and more appealing. The areas reserved for storage and maintenance activity are situated along the constructed roadways in an organised manner and slightly further away. The entrepreneurs have cleaned up their own areas and changed their operational practices so that littering in the areas in question has been significantly reduced. The need to clean up the soil and undertake finishing work at the old fuel distribution site was discovered during the project. The work was not completed in this project, however; it was completed under a separate SOILI project by the Oil Industry Service Centre (Öljyalan Palvelukeskus).

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  • 80%   288 000,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Euregio - Karelia  (FI-RU)
  • Project on KEEP Platform