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Development of technology for the construction of clean and energy efficient houses with composite filling timber frame (IPBU.02.01.00-06-704/11)
Start date: Nov 30, 2013, End date: Nov 29, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Developing, by the end of the project, new technological solutions to increase the energy efficiency of single-family housing in the area of the project.Improving, by the end of the project, cooperation between Polish and Belarusian scientists in the field of environmental protection and energy conservation in the area of the projectPromoting, by the end of the project, energy conservation attitudes and the environment protection in the border area. Expected Results: - 1 developed conception of technological and technical design of the energy-efficient and ecological building (concerns hemp only)- 1 created research implementation methodology- 1 developed pilot studies on the hardened component mixture using flax- 4 organized seminars (2 on the Polish side, 2 on the Belarusian side) on ecological construction, concerning, among others, implementation of energy-efficient buildings, friendly implementation of the houses with the possibility of recycling, and improving environmental awareness - 120 participants of the seminar (60 on the Polish side and 60 on the Belarusian side)- 150 copies of the publication- 4 published scientific articles on research - 1 set up project website- 2 organized information meetings or 60 Polish farmers on cultivation of hemp and other organic plant- 2 organized information meetings for 60 Belarusian farmers on organic oilseed flax.- 1 equipped laboratory with equipment- 1 information brochure (300 copies)- gained knowledge among 60 farmers participating in information meetings about the cultivation of hemp, flax and other organic plant in the supported areas on the Polish side- gained knowledge among 60 farmers participating in information meetings in the supported areas on the Belarusian side about the innovative use of organic oilseed flax in a green construction.- raised awareness of the use of technologies developed during the research among 120 seminars participants.
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  • 90%   179 021,97
  • 2007 - 2013 Poland-Belarus-Ukraine ENPI CBC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

1 Partners Participants