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Development of Sectoral Qualification Descriptors for EQF level 5
Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project objectives are oriented towards increasing transparency and recognition of skills and qualifications to facilitate learning, employability and labour mobility through the developments in EQF level 5 at sectoral level. In Europe EQF level 5 qualifications offer various access and progression routes – depending on the type and purpose of a qualification. Some qualifications are more related to employment and carrier development, others to higher education. It is very important to find the right starting point and to create the preconditions for the transparent, internationally recognized and easy comparable qualifications at this level. Level 5 qualifications can provide access to and advancement in the labour market, these qualifications can also serve a double function being entry qualifications for both the labour market and higher education (with the possibility for credit transfer). EQF level 5 qualifications could be designed to up-skill individuals already in employment and provide them with advanced technical and/or management skills.Expected results of the project: 1. Comparative study about EQF level 5 developments in selected sectors: Healthcare, Services and Metal Industry.Comparative study will provide information about how qualifications related to EQF level 5 are assigned in sectors, how diverse types of qualifications (VET, higher education and from outside the formal system) are allocated to this level (based on what criteria) or that are planning to do so in the future, how linkages between subsystem are created and how classification of qualifications could be done using qualification descriptors. Another important aspect of this study is how stakeholders are involved and how they see need for qualifications at level 5 in EU countries.2. Study on needs analyses of main interest groups (first of all employers, training providers and learners) based on structured round table discussions with employers and other groups of interest) in partner countries in order to find out main expectations and to formulate recommendations for the needs and best usage of sectoral qualification descriptors in EQF level 5 in selected sectors.Main result of the project will be internationally comparable qualification descriptors (profiles of skills and competences, with regard to professional practice and range of occupations accessible) in EQF level 5 in the selected sectors (foreseen sectors: healthcare, services, metal industry) for better education and training quality and correspondence to employers and learners needs. Project foresees training for potential users of Qualification Descriptors, this will create the preconditions to use qualification criteria in various national and international contexts: creating new training modules, recognition of international mobility periods referring to ECVET, recognition of prior learning and so on. Qualification Descriptors will be tested for the preparation of training programme, formulation of course units, learning outcomes, topics and methods for teaching training for the achievement of competencies at EQF level 5. Internationally comparable qualification descriptors further could be used as a platform for developing new types of qualifications, whether initial or continuing vocational education and training qualifications or short-cycle higher education qualifications. The overall benefit from this Erasmus+ K2 action project would be better understanding and application (nationally and internationally) of EQF level 5 qualifications, allowing learners to move more easily between different types of education (such as academic and vocational) and between different levels (such as VET and higher education) at home institutions as well as internationally.
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