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Development of Quality Management, Teaching Competences and Communication Skills in Education
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "Development of Quality Management,Teaching Competences and Communication Skills in Education"(DQM-TC-SCE) is developed by “Sfantul Apostol Andrei” Vocational Training High-School from Ploiesti, Romania between 1 August 2014 and 31 July 2015 and it has important objectives such as: development of professional skills in quality management system of the institution; the use of active-participatory methods focused on communication, creativity and cooperative learning in the educational process to improve students performance; increasing students insertion on the labor market and the reduction of students dropout; the development of the school European dimension in the spirit of internationalization.All objectives coincide with Europe 2020 Strategy. The project development started from the results of applying the internal and external evaluation tools to the educational process and school management in our institution.The solution chosen to fulfill these objectives consists in the participation of some teachers and school managers in European in-service trainings that meet the institution needs, courses being selected from a wide range of activities offered by lots of European course providers. There are 9 teachers in the project team who are involved in the managerial and educational departments of school (Headteacher, Deputy, Education Counselor, members of Quality Commission, responsible of Disciplinary Commission, European partnerships coordinator and members of Excellence Center) and in the teaching process (Psychology teacher and volunteer in school counseling and IT teacher). Their participation was decided as a result of a selection process which was well-founded on the institution needs. The activities of the project will have 5 important key actions: -managerial actions: development, planning and implementation of the project; the proper management of human, material and financial resources; the control-evaluation of the present and future specific results of the project -preparation actions: communication with the course providers; the preparation of the needed materials(PPT presentations,documentaries etc.); use of all materials provided; individual and group study according to the course objectives and school needs; language and digital preparation; use of the e-learning platforms of the course providers -participation in the in-service trainings: travel to the course destinations, effective participation of the teachers in the activities proposed and conducted by the course providers -follow-up actions: continuing communication between school/participants and course providers for the second ones to monitor and offer guidance in using the acquired knowledge, skills and provided materials in the classroom; communication with the other participants, teachers in European schools, in order to develop future Erasmus+ partnerships -diverse dissemination actions based on the transmitting of information and the valorisation of the acquired competences, which are organised locally and at county,national and international level,using the school magazines and site, the etwinning platform, educational sites and social networks as communication tools The planned actions and the organised activities will follow the gradual and realist improvement of the current situation because not only the final results are important,but also the process through which the fulfillment of the objectives will determine the meeting of the institution needs. The school/teachers previous experiences and the common interests in improving the educational offer (with impact on institution, teachers, students, local community) will constitute the fundament of the actions to be carried out throughout the project. In order to measure the results and the relevance of the actions, there will be used monitoring and evaluation tools, specific for the teaching and management process. Here there are the final results: increasing of the professionalisation level of the human resources, of the management and teaching quality; improvement of students school performances through the dropout reduction and the increase of the national exam passing rates; increasing of the insertion level of students on the labor market and the growing rate of graduates who continue their education at university; the development of the school European dimension through the added value of the project and the high rate of internationalisation. This project will have an impact on all factors involved in the educational process (teachers attending the in-service trainings, their colleagues, students, institution, local community), and the benefits will be complex and with relevance in time, broadening the European horizon to everybody. Its success will be also measured through developing further European partnerships (with the course peers) which will generate added value to the educational and managerial activities of the institution in a long run.
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