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Development of modern ambulance station based on the reconstruction of infrastructure, increase of medical assistance and experience in cross-border cooperation region (ILPR.02.02.00-96-030/10-00)
Start date: Dec 3, 2012, End date: Dec 2, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project aimed at the availability of timely, professional and effective assistance to Kaliningrad inhabitants in case of treatment in an ambulance which is going to be achieved through reconstruction and modernization of the Kaliningrad city ambulance station building, purchase of ambulance cars and equipment. Achievements: 1. Building of the Kaliningrad city ambulance station reconstructed. 2. Furniture and equipment for proper functioning of the ambulance station purchased.3. Office equipment for project realization purchased and after finalization of the project transferred to the Kaliningrad city station.4. Four new ambulance cars purchased.5. Four defibrillators for ambulance cars purchased.6. Two trainings for Polish medical personnel organized.7. One project web-site created and maintained.8. Six project group meetings on realization organized.9. One seminar in Kaliningrad on ambulance standards organized.

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  • 90%   2 476 821,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Lithuania-Poland-Russia ENPI CBC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

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