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Development of Focused IT and Language Skills in the Labour-market Region of Debrecen-Oradea (IT-DEBORA)
Start date: Mar 14, 2012, End date: Feb 27, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The goal of the project is to reduce unemployment typical in the border area, accomplished by the Project Partners through IT and language trainings. The general objective of the project is reducing unemployment in the region.Direct beneficiaries:• the students of the two universities• career-starter graduates living in the region• the unemployedAll three groups could be divided to two sub-groups:1. IT education but lack the necessary command of a foreign language 2. advanced foreign language skills but lack the IT education.IT Training: 144 persons (Hungary: 72, Romania:72)English training: 36 persons (Hungary:18, Romania:18)German training: 18 persons (Hungary)France training: 18 persons (Romania).The main specific activities of the project are: Information Technology Training; language training; public procurement.Among project results: 1 training programme developed that fit labour market demands; 2 training programmes adapted to foreign languages; 1 refurbished, equipped training room; 144 participants in IT trainings; 72 participants in language training; 80% successful participants.
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  • 85%   170 000,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Hungary - Romania (HU-RO)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

1 Partners Participants