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Development of curriculum for Vocational Maintenance training

The consortium behind the guidelines are partners from six countries and with mainly two directions - vocational schools and industries. The schools were represented of both vocational schools and academies. The industries are represented by National Maintenance Societies. Developed curricula is adapted for vocational schools of two types - basic training and adult training. 47 subjects cover all branches like automotive, paper & pulp, steel, food, pharmaceutical, energy, oil . . . Maintenance is a sector covering about 85 % of the needs. The industrial requirements are based on specifications made by 22 National Maintenance Societies - belonging to the European Federation of National Maintenance Societies, EFNMS - and the results from the project will also be given back to the EFNMS for the implementation in the 22 countries by the National Maintenance Societies. The long term goal within EFNMS is to create a practical and technical deeper vocational maintenance training, adapted for European industries in a life long learning process. Developed curricula will be guidelines in this process. The main outcome of the project is maintenance oriented curriculum for the teachers training, the post secondary vocational training, the basic vocational training, and a framework for thereto related e-learning and textbooks. Thereby an increased possibility of productivity and efficiency for the European export industry will be achieved. By using developed curricula in Europe it will also result in transparency and recognition of maintenance competences and qualifications, increased quality and attractiveness of VET systems and practices, as well as better skills and competences of VET teachers, trainers and tutors in the maintenance area.
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5 Partners Participants