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Development of an adaptable structure for architecture applications (HYPERMEMBRANE)
Start date: Sep 1, 2011, End date: Aug 31, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"The HyperMembrane consists on a system of a Physical and Digital elements that will allow a shape adaptable construction system –and its procedure to put in shape- able to generate multiple and non-predetermined shapes, modifiable regarding to different spatial, solar or energetic requirements.- Physical HyperMembrane is an amazingly shape-adaptable self-supporting structure (roof, façade,…) able to stand in different equilibrium positions depending on the structure that the end user needs. Its formal articulation is based on elastic properties of thermoplastic composites, the innovative shape of its beams and the different elongation of the connecting elements (so called actuators). The capacity for shape adaptation of this system is such that two slightly different applications are envisaged: static structures (for complex geometry curved structures) and mobile structures (for structures that change shape throughout the life of the building). This project proposal is only researching and developing the technology required for the first type of applications due to time and budget restrictions. However, the results of this project are crutial for the implementation of the second application.- Digital HyperMembrane is the software for architectonic design that incorporates the code of the procedure to put the HyperMembrane in shape. It will enable to model the complex geometry structures that the PH is able to reproduce and will deliver necessary position for each actuator in order to achieve the desired shape.The main research branches of the project are concentrated under automatic structure design and modelization, composites for adaptable constructions and new light and safe actuators for positioning and clamping the adaptable structure.The end-product will be tested on prototype specimens in a real architectonic structure erected in Barcelona."

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