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Development of a Training Program for the Improvement of Active and Healthy Ageing through the Exploitation of High-Tech Assistive Technologies
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Functional abilities of Older Persons (OPs) can be improved using Assistive Technologies (AT). There is a lack of adoption and use High-Tech AT by OPs due to a lack ofi) Acceptance, including: lack of awareness, safety concerns, lack of trust, general reluctance to technology, fear of stigmatization, low expectations or restrictions of autonomy (Merkel & Enste, 2015)ii) ICT-Literacyiii) Support given by peers, families and professional and non-formal caregivers. Main objective of "AcTive" is to increase the competences of the collective around OPs (persons, families and professional and non-formal caregivers) about how to exploit High-Tech AT for increasing their wellbeing, through an innovative training program. The project has the next specific objectives:• Create awareness and trust about the potential of using High-Tech AT for improving active and healthy ageing• To create basic digital and technological skills, fostering ICT-literacy, which allow OPs to properly exploit High-Tech AT• To inform about available High-Tech AT and their application to the specific needs of OPs.• To promote the decision making of OPs for acquiring the proper AT• To give support and guidelines to OPs living alone and/or with low education, including a “peer to peer” training model, where Old Mentors will be trained for training other OPs which could have not an easy access to the training program. • To involve caregivers and families in the training process in order to be able to support OPs.Next partners from 6 countries will participate:• 2 Entities addressed to OPs(VDK and GESMED) focused in supporting and delivering services to Older Persons.• 2 Social Innovation Partners (ESE and SSW) working in the field of improving the quality of life of OPs by bridging the digital divide, to enable independent living as well as helping keep their physical and mental health.• 2 Technological Partners (IAT and CITST) specialized in improving Quality of Life of disadvantages collectives, employing its expertise in various innovation areas among which adapted and accessible training and developing, testing and disseminating ICT technologies for Ambient assisted living.The next results will be obtained;• Co-Created Methodological Guide will be developed, with the direct participation of End Users, with the main objective of determining the key contents, methodologies and tools needed for creating and improving the critical competences of OP sand their supports for increasing their wellbeing through the exploitation of High-Tech Assistive Technologies for increasing the wellbeing.• Training Materials addressed to OPs, families and professionals and non-formal caregivers for facilitating the exploitation of High-Tech Assistive Technologies, including bases, guidelines and tools for improving active and healthy ageing through the exploitation of High-Tech Assistive Technologies.• Design of Experiential Training Activities addressed to OPs, families and professionals and non-formal caregivers for facilitating the exploitation of High-Tech Assistive Technologies 6 Experiential Training Activities will be designed; i) Awareness and presentation of Assistive Technologies and Self evaluation of personalized needs and Assistive Technologies selection; ii) Experiential activity with Assistive Technologies for “Basic Needs” iii) Experiential activity with Assistive Technologies for” Learn, Grow and Make Decisions” iv) Experiential activity with Assistive Technologies for “Mobility”; v) Experiential activity with Assistive Technologies for “Relationships”; vi)Experiential activity with Assistive Technologies for “Community Contribution”• Development of an e-Training Platform, including awareness, training contents and tailored and adapted ICT solutions for supporting the implementation of Training Materials and Experiential Training Activities.• Creation of 6 "AcTive" UNITS in all the entities of the Consortium in order to ensure the sustainable exploitation of the project after the project lifetime• Development of Dissemination Actions addressed to the European collective related to OPsVALIDATION ACTIONS will be organized on each country, based on the practical implementation of Training Materials, Designed Experiential Activities and e-Training Platform, involving about 30 Older Persons, families and professionals and non-formal caregivers. Evaluation and analysis will be done. Project Activities will be completed with Management and Implementation actions IMPACT during the project lifetime:"AcTive" will benefit a number of persons during the project lifetime:• 140 OPs and their families will be trained, through their participation in the validation actions • 25 professionals and non-formal will be trained, through their participation in the validation actions • 1500 OPs, families and professionals and non-formal caregivers will be aware, through the dissemination actions
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5 Partners Participants