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Development of a training methodology to teach persons in need of support new skills and thus become more employable for new jobs in the hospitality sector

HOT TRAIN stands for Hotel Training and is a training project in the hospitality sector. The hospitality sector includes all businesses that provide food, beverages, and/or accommodation services. This sector includes guest houses, hotels, restaurants, pubs, bars, catering and other hospitality services. In the United Kingdom and Poland hotels and Bed and Breakfast Accommodations - employing persons in need of support - have been in existence for several years and have developed into successful social firms.The HOT TRAIN project builds on experience gained in previous EU-projects by transferring this experience / knowledge to the project partners, further develop and test training methods in hotels/guest houses providing training for persons in need of support and evaluate, transfer and disseminate the results. A part of this work has been the focus on the importance of sustainability for a guest house/hotel to achieve optimum social impact. This is described in a manual, a result of the project.HOT TRAIN is an important international project that supports national projects in all partner countries. The main objectives of the project are:• Let people who don’t get a job because they don’t have a work record have a chance to get a work record and a CV.• Let people who have no qualifications have a chance to get qualifications for a job in the hospitality sector. • Let people have a chance to become more employable.• Let people have a chance to get a job which is meaningful to them.• Let people have a chance of both being well and doing well.• Reduce the number of people facing exclusion in the ordinary labour market.• Provide a tool, a scorecard, to enable guest houses /hotels in the sector to evaluate and improve their own situation with regard to a sustainable operation, when combining training in combination with running a business.These aims are specifically relevant for young people as youth unemployment is one of the main challenges in many European countries. HOT TRAIN is coordinated by AVRE in Norway. The Project partners are from United Kingdom, Poland, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Ireland and Norway.

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