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Development of a Modern Higher Education System for Water Engineering in Syria
Start date: Oct 15, 2010,

The EU seeks to develop a closer relationship to Syria.The national priorities in TEMPUS for the partner country Syria are given by two focal points. The first is the focus of Ministry of Higher Education for modernizing of higher education in Syria by cooperation with national and international partners. Water is the base of any life. The water sector requires fundamental reforms at the national level (second priority). The standard of living and the quality of life are determined primarily by usable water. Water is the most valuable resource and limited in Syria. The careful use of water and water resources is politically, economically and socially important.These two national priorities, water and education, the TEMPUS Structural Measure "Development of a Modern Higher Education System for Water Engineering in Syria" include the realisation of the triangle Education- Research-Innovation. To reach this goal the existing study courses in water engineering in the faculties of civil engineering, agriculture and/or mechanical sciences are reformed and modernized according to the Lisbon agenda and the Bologna process. The quality and the relevance of the graduates must appropriate to the requirements of the social and labour market needs. It includes the three level educations: Bachelor- Master-PhD, the development of modules and credit point systems. The extension of university research is a key objective. The linking of research with practice is a driving force for innovations. On the other hand technical innovations are the basis for new educational knowledge. The universities must better link to the labour market. It is necessary to promote the outsourcing and the creation or support of business start-up.The proposed structure measures are installed and validate under real conditions for selected universities and selected topics to reach the acknowledgement of the Syrian ministries and society.
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  • Education and training\External Programmes and Policies\TEMPUS\Tempus Structural Measure - Higher Education and Society
  • Project on ERASMUS Platform

16 Partners Participants