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Development and validation of mould design and manufacturing OER from experienced labourers' know-how to complement VET
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

MOULVET project aims at developing and validating Open Educational Resources (OER) stemming from the knowledge of experienced professionals to complement Vocational and Educational Training (both I-VET and C-VET) in the mould sector. According to the study by the European Commission 'Advancing Manufacturing - Advancing Europe' - Report of the Task Force on Advanced Manufacturing for Clean Production, it has been identified the need of strengthening the links between the industry and education/training communities. The document also affirms that there is a mismatch between the skills acquired through training and those required by companies. Furthermore, learning, whether formal, non-formal or informal is very important to ensure the supply of skilled labour.Apart from the general skill shortages and gaps in European manufacturing industries and the need for stronger links between industry and education communities, the European mould sector also suffers from the loss of implicit knowledge due to retirement of experienced workers, a shortage of motivated young people willing to work in the mould sector and difficulties for a generational renewal (Revista da CEMAFOL, Associaçao Nacional da Industria da Moldes, July 2015, ISSN 1647-6557).Furthermore, European mould sector is formed, in general, by a set of SME with limited human resources which makes it difficult the provision of the necessary specific training.In view of all above, MOULVET seeks to develop OER material based on knowledge of experienced staff that will complement the formal or non-formal training with engaging training material, providing students or workers with work-experienced guidance, knowledge and advice to enrich their knowledge. This OER will be available in existing relevant OER platforms (Eg: and additionally, a specific platform and an Augmented Reality app will be also developed to maximise the accessibility of this work-experienced OER. The project will capture knowledge from moulding professionals in different European countries and will make work-experienced learning material (OER) available to trainees (students and workers) according to current industrial practices.MOULVET outputs will contribute to: Reduce the mismatch between the skills acquired through training and those demanded by companies (mismatch between supply and demand for skilled labour). Retain experienced knowledge that otherwise would be lost due to retirement. Establish a closer link between industry and training through the strategic cooperation in 3 representative countries in the manufacture of moulds (Germany, Portugal and Spain), in order to improve the development of workers.  Supply quality learning content (OER)  Promote the use of ICT in training (OER platforms, Augmented Reality app).The MOULVET platform will be an Open Educational Resource (OER). It will include:- Work-experience case studies and training materials for the design and manufacture of moulds.- Practical study case for the design and manufacture of moulds.- Development of tools to access OER.- Study on trends in training the field of design and manufacture of moulds.The potential end user of the MOULVET project outputs will be vocational training students and inexperienced workers in mould sector, universities, formal and non-formal training centres, both public and private, and teachers of these centres. Other beneficiaries will be experts on design and manufacture of moulds, associations and technological centres related to the sector, etc. A significant number of companies within the sector have shown, through letters of support, their availability to contribute to the development of the project activities. Please see the list in section “H.1. Impact”.MOULVET consortium comprises organisations which provide training in mould design and manufacturing. Consequently, all partners are interested in including MOULVET outputs in their respective training activities to complement and enhance them. The project will be led by AIJU, Asociación de Investigacíon de la Industria del Juguete, conexas y Afines (Spain) with the support of companies and training centers with experience and knowledge in the industry of mould from different European countries: CENTIMFE, Technological centre for the mould making (Portugal); WI-SWF Werkzeugbau-Institut Südwestfalen GmbH (Germany); Gemeinnützige KIMW Forschungs-GmbH (KIMW-F) (Germany) and CEIV, Cluster Empresas Innovadoras del Valle del juguete (Spain). All of which play a key role in terms of specialised mould training in their respective countries.
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